Chapter 1-Daisy's POV

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Hi! I'm Daisy!

Gosh, I need to figure out how to introduce myself.

Well, I'm not what you'd call popular. In fact, I'm anything but popular. Sure, Peach was nice enough to sit with me at lunch for a day, but may I remind you, it was just one freaking day.

Yup, I'm forever alone.

Ya see, I kinda bought myself into this school. It's for the...cough cough GIFTED AND TALENTED cough.

Whatever they are, it's anything BUT talented.

I'm a junior this year. Ya know...11th grade? Yeah. I am currently alone and have no life. I live in Sarasaland but this school is in the middle of nowhere. Therefore I live in the dorm. Probably the worst a dorm can get. It's technically a boarding school because EVERYONE stays in a dorm, even those who live a matter of 5 minutes away. My roommate is Samus. I guess we're friends, but we aren't that close.

Well, do ya wanna know how my life goes? A little like this.


"Hello, class," my homeroom teacher, Ms. Palutena(she's like, 20, so I have no idea why she's into teaching history), said, "We have a new student today!" I swear, she is too enthusiastic for me.

A tall platinum blonde girl with a blue dress and one eye covered walked in. "Hi," she said in this calm, quiet voice, "I am Rosalina. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"She's hot!" I heard the guys behind me mutter. Idiots.

"So," Peach said with that grin of doom plastered on her face, "did you buy your way in or were you actually asked to join?"

Oh, and she was eyeing me when she said that.

"I was asked to join, Princess. It's a pleasure to meet you," Rosalina said with a relaxed smile.

Peach squealed. She has a best friend. Yay.

I sighed and went back to my work.

'Ms.' Palutena (I'll call her just Palutena form now on) was teaching us boring history when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around.

"Do you have gum? It helps me concentrate," whispered Rosalina. I pulled it out of my bag and was about to hand it to her when Palutena scolded, "Princess Daisy of Sarasaland. How many times have I told you to never chew gum in my class?"

"Uh...this is the 2nd time. But ya know, Ms. Goddess, you could have- no, you should have seen it with your all seeing eyes."


I just talked back, didn't I?

She just sighed and shook her head. "Sorry, kid, but you chew like a cow."

"I was going to give it to Rosie here," I said pointing at her. Rosalina raised a brow at the nickname.

"Don't play the blame game."

"Oh. And I'm not a cow."

Palutena just walked back to the front of the classroom and continued to teach. After class she called me over.

What did she want?


Here I am.

The detention room.

I've never been here before. But judging by the fact that Palutena is a new teacher(she was a senior when I was in, like, 10th grade or something), it's obvious she is new to my reaction to teachers.

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