Chapter 26 - Daisy's POV

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"Daisy to the principal's office, we repeat, Daisy to the principal's office."

I glanced up at the loudspeaker above. What did I do this time? I hate being a problem child. I don't resent seeing the principal. Master Hand is chill. I just hate all the punishments.

"Well, you heard that, hon," Palutena said (with a weird smile on her face). "Go, go. The period's ending soon, so just take your stuff, alrighty?"

"Alrighty"? It's like everything this woman does makes me cringe. 

I scooped up my bag, ignoring all the eyes on me. They've already seen me get in trouble before. This is nothing new. Funny enough, I heard whispers this time. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying, so I just moved on. Whatever. They gossip all the time, anyway. Rosalina gave a grin. I rolled my eyes and walked out. 

I sighed and swung my backpack over one shoulder before putting my fist up to knock on the door. Before I could even slam my fist on the wood, the door flew open, and I was face to face with...


We haven't talked in a while. After that whole rescuing Rosalina thing, we just haven't. I want to say I miss him, but I can't bring myself to. I'm not gonna hopelessly in love with a guy until he's hopelessly in love with me.

What's weird though is that I don't miss him, I really don't. I guess you could say I'm "over" him. But here I am, standing in front of him, not able to say anything and blushing as red as Mario's hat.

"H-hi, I'm Daisy," I squeaked.


He laughed awkwardly and stepped out. I face-palmed as soon as he was out of the hallway.

Why do I mess up everything?

I sighed and walked in, closing the door behind  me. Now that I think about it, I wonder why Luigi was in here. He's a "good kid", after all.

Master Hand (the principal) and I have seen each other so much that I don't even call him "Mr. Hand" like everyone else does anymore. And no, I don't go by first name basis and call him Master, and that's for obvious reasons.

I actually call him...

Wait for it...

Get ready to cringe...

"My man Master Hand"


That's really what I call him.

We've met so often that we're almost friends. That, dear readers, means we have met a lot. 

"Ayyyy, my gurl Dais!!!!" he greeted, making a giant finger gun.

"Ayyyyy, my man Master Hand!" I greeted back, sending him finger guns. I set my bag down on the floor. "I assume I'm in trouble again?"

"Well, Dais, you're here because of a fight."

"A...fight?" I dug through my memory. Fight? Recent? I don't remember getting in a fight. "I was in a fight?"

"Kind of...but it's more like you're going to be in a fight."

"So I'm getting in trouble....before I get into a fight? I didn't know we had a whole 'predicting-the-future' deal going on at this school."

"Dais, just sit down."

"Oh, no. I have to listen to a lecture about some fight I didn't get into yet? Can I just go to detention instead? And please don't tell me I have to write another stupid essay about what I did --or, excuse me, what I am going to do wrong--"

"You're not in trouble, Dais."

I froze.

"I'm not?"

"No way! In fact, by 'you're going to get into a fight' I meant good news."

I was very confused. "Good news?"

"Let me try explaining it differently, then. You no longer have to pay the fees to remain in this school."


"You've been formally accepted, Daisy."


"You're on the roster."


"You heard me right." If my man Master Hand had a face, I'm sure he'd be smiling. 

"I'm...I'm part of the Smash crew?"

"Yeah," he said plainly. "The only downside is..."


Master Hand sighed. "Well, you managed to get in with a student petition that Luigi started, so..."

"Hold on. Luigi started this?"

I don't know how I felt. I was happy I got in, but...I was angry that the school needed other students to say I was good enough for me to even be considered. I was angry that Luigi didn't think the school would accept me without his help. Without the help of a fighter. 

"Yes, he did. Now let me finish, a'rite, Dais? Look. You're going to be training with Peach from now on."

"Peach? Why her?"

"'re her echo fighter. You have to learn the moveset from her and try to do it the same way."

My heart sunk. "So I'm still just a clone of Peach?"

"But your name is on the roster and you don't have to pay for the school anymore. And it's not like you have to do everything the same as her, Dais. You can still be yourself outside the stage."

I wasn't sure if I wanted to jump for joy anymore.

"Come on Dais. It won't be that bad."

I suddenly began to hear clamor outside the door. The bell didn't ring yet. Was everyone dismissed from their classes early or something?

"And anyways... You'd be shocked at how many students are rooting for you."Master hand slowly moved to the door. "You'd be shocked."

The door swung open and tears came into my eyes. A crowd of students stood in front of me, holding daisies high up. Chanting "flower power". Smiling.

I don't cry. Especially not in public. But as Luigi walked up through the crowd, holding a poster which read "Daisy for Smash!", I couldn't help it. I just started crying.

Who cares if I have to be an echo of Peach? I'm in.

I'm part of the team.

Peach and Rosalina came up to me, tucking daisies in my hair and crown and telling me how proud they are and how they were so glad I could finally join them.

I smiled and hugged them close. So what if I hate both of these girls? They did something for me that I could never repay them for.

The whole school kept this a secret from me, all for this dramatic ceremony.

Ah, I hate this school so much that I love it. 

A/N: DAISY'S IN SMAAAASSSSHHHH tbh I never thought I'd get to write a chapter like this haha but here we are! looks like there are going to be a couple of new kids in the school, too. Smash Ultimate is bringing a wave of new things! Anyone have suggestions for drama that can happen in the school with all the new people and attacks and whatnot? Leave 'em in the comments! Welp, I hope you liked that chapter (I did hehehe) and I hope you have a great day :)

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