Chapter 28 - Pit's POV

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A/N: How are you guys feeling about the new cover? I realized that I focus a lot on Link, Marth, and Pit, they're on the cover! More info about it in my art book. enjoy the chapter!

I hate studying. 

Having ADHD doesn't exactly help with that. Focusing in class is a pain--maybe that's why I'm failing them.

Okay, fine. I'm not technically failing. But in my book, anything under a C+ is a fail. Of course, I always had an excuse, right? I just have ADHD. No biggie.

But no. This emo clone of me just happens to be a freaking genius.

I'm already ranked pretty low at school. Now this knockoff me is doing better than I am? It's not fair. Had I known he was this smart, I wouldn't have even tried befriending him!

"Whoa, dude. You look stressed out." Link pulled the chair out and sat down.

I sighed and shut my book. Unfortunately, it was a little louder than I hoped.

"Pit! This is your last warning," the librarian warned, "or I'm kicking you out."

"Sorry," I muttered. That woman hates me. I don't blame her, to be honest. Although I don't blame me either. My tendency to be noisy is just natural. Can't do much about it. 

"You okay?" Link whispered, looking at the science textbook I was reading. 

"No," I replied. "I forgot to turn in my argument paper."


"It was due last month," I rambled. "And I forgot to turn it in on the new deadline the teacher gave me. I just remembered now, so I guess I gotta get it done."

"Don't worry about it man. It happens to all of us sometimes. Actually there was this one time I...."

I caught sight of Dark in the back of the library as Link continued to talk. Marth and Samus were there too, looking at something on a computer. I suddenly felt really left out. 

"Um...are you even listening to me?"

"Huh?" I snapped back to Link. "Oh. Uh...not quite."

Link scoffed. "At least you're honest." He noticed me looking past him. "Oh, is something going on back there...?" He was about to turn his head.

"No!" I exclaimed. "No, no, nothing at all. The window was just really...uh...captivating."

There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around. It was the librarian.

She gave me a death glare. "Out."

I laughed nervously. "...Okayyyyyy. Sure." I got up and walked away.

When I made it out of the library, I sighed. Looks like I don't belong anywhere. 

I heard footsteps behind me. "Dude!" It was Link. "You left your bag! And your textbook."

"Oh, haha," I managed, taking it from him. "Thanks."


"You look a little troubled, Pit." 

I grinned. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Palutena rolled her eyes. "If this is about the D+ you got on your report, I'm telling you not to worry about it. Grades don't define you."

"That isn't really bothering me, though," I replied. Which is the truth, actually. It's not my grades that are annoying me right now.

I've looked up to so many people at this school. Something they all have in common is that they're all really smart. Eventually I accepted I'd never get to their level, but seeing Dark getting there so easily just really...pisses me off. It's like some people just don't have to work hard. For anything. And then there's people like me, who can work their hardest and never anywhere in life.

"Am I stupid, Palutena?"

She laughed. "No way! I made you the captain of my forces for a reason."

"That's cool and all, but being an honor student would have also been pretty sweet, don't you think?"

She patted my head. "Nah. You're amazing the way you are, Pit. Don't listen to what the other's say about you!"

I smiled. "Right."

"Well I've got to go grade some essays," Palutena said, getting up. Before leaving, she turned around. "Oh, and Pit? Don't worry. I think if you work hard enough, you can become an honor student in no time."

I'm an angel who can't even fly. How is someone like me supposed to become an honor student?


"S-study group?" I stuttered. 

"Yeah," Marth answered. "You'd make a pretty snazzy addition, might I say."

Ew. Did he just use the word "snazzy"?

"What he means by that is he felt bad for not asking you to join earlier."

"What? No!"

Samus laughed. "Sure, sure. We all know you want to protect your son."

My eyes went wide and I gasped. "YOU HAVE A SON--"

"No, idiot," Dark cut me off, "she was referring to you."

"Oh." I paused, and then it hit me. "Ohhhhhh. Well. I really appreciate that, Dad."

Marth put on a face of disgust. "Ew, don't call me that. I'd never have a son as ugly as you. In fact, I think I'll have a daughter! Just imagine! She can wear the cutest little dresses and I'll read her Shakespeare before bedtime--"

"Yeah, that's enough," Samus interrupted. "I already asked Link and Zelda to join, and they said yes. Peach said yes too, and so did Daisy."

"That's a big group," I commented.

"The bigger the better!" Samus said. "Ike ad Roy said they could join too. Midterms are coming up anyway."

I gave her a skeptical look. "We're in different grades, though--"

"SHHH." Wow. THE Samus Aran just shushed me. I'm so touched!  She whispered to me, "I need an excuse to have fun and Marth here just won't take it so we're hiding it from him." 


Samus slapped a hand over my mouth. "Yes, my son, you got that right." Marth and Dark were looking at us so confused.

Samus hissed in my ear, "Marth's birthday is always smack-dab before midterms, so he never celebrates. I'm not letting it go this time."

I smiled. "Alrighty."

"Kay," she said with a smile. "I've gotta add you to the group chat. What's your number?"

"WOW,"  I exclaimed, giving her my phone, "THE SAMUS ARAN IS ASKING FOR MY NUMBER."

"Shut up, you fanboy, I'm not interested." She chucked my phone back at me and turned around to Marth and Dark. "So who we asking next, guys?"

Man. Being an honor student seems like a lot of fun. I wish I was one. 


A/N: I'm sorry I've been gone for so long-- life has been hitting me hard lately. Before you start thinking it-- no, I'm not shipping Pit and Samus lol. I thought that considering both of their relationships with Marth, it'd be a pretty interesting combo. I actually realized I basically made everyone have super good grades for some reason. It's unrealistic, though. Just remember, grades don't define you!

So I guess Marth might be getting a surprise party? Who knows! Hope you enjoyed!

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