Chapter 22- Link's POV

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My phone buzzed. 

"Meet me in the campus garden at 6 P.M.", it read. 

It was from Zelda.

What exactly was I expecting? I don't know. I almost expected her to just come and slap me.

Not this. Not this at all. 

"Link... I... I like you."


Her ears were bright pink and she was looking at the ground. "D-didn't you hear me?"

I didn't know what to say, let alone what to do. I could feel my face heating up. It was the middle of winter and we were outside, and yet I was sweating. 

"Uh..." I tried to talk, but nothing came out. My heart was pounding. I was scared that maybe Zelda could hear it.

Oh, boy, nervous breakdown. 

Her eyes got a little watery. "So...I-I'm going to assume you d-don't..."

I wanted to shake my head. But I was paralyzed. Is this really happening?

"F-forget I said anything." Zelda's voice trembled. She spun around and began to walk.

Link. Link, you idiot! Move, for Pete's sake! What are you doing just standing there?  Are you going to tell her? At this rate, she's going to think you're dense!

I could see her wiping tears away. Great, now she's crying! You'd better move fast!

I reached out and grabbed her wrist. And then I tugged her back. Right into my arms.

Wow. You didn't even need Marth to tell you to do this cliche.


"I love you, Zelda," I breathed out. "I love you to death."

"Wha...l-love already..." Her words were all jumbled together. And I don't blame her for it. If anything, I'm more lost than she is. 

"When..when did you decide to...tell me...this..." I struggled to form the sentence while my heart was slamming against my chest. 

"It...I had some help...f-figuring out..."

"...Oh...nice..." I didn't know what else to say. My head was spinning. 

"I'm sorry..."

I let go of her. "For what?"

"For...ignoring you..and hating you for insulting me..."

"Yeah, about that..." I cleared my throat. "I didn't quite mean it... like that..."

Zelda tucked her hair behind her ears. "D-don't worry, I got that now."

Then there was silence. Not awkward silence, just...silence. 

"Thank you." I whispered.


"For telling me."

"...You're welcome."

I noticed snow falling from the sky. Some of it nestled on Zelda's head.

"It's snowing..." I muttered.

"Do you want to go inside?"

I nodded.

And so we headed inside. 


A/N: Welp, that was short. I'm sorry I don't uplaod that often anymore! I've got school and other life issues so I'm trying to balance everything.

Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed!!!

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