Chapter 19 Mt. Myoboku

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I was stunned to see a world full of colors and the smell of oil. Strange plants grew in different directions and others had huge leaves. I felt the ground under my feet. It was marshy and it smelled funny. I crinkled my nose in disgust. Gambunta sighed but gave me a toothless smile. 

"Welcome to Mt. Myobuko the home of the toads!" He flung his flipper high into the air and I gazed up at the tall mountains. The air was humid and the sky seemed higher up. Gambunta grabbed my hand and dragged me to a tall fortress with toad statues chiseled into ancient stone. My eyes widened. 

"But before that! Momma is gonna feed you!" He roared. Food. My stomach grumbled. I guess I was hungry. 

A small house stood next to the temple. A garden grew next to the small hut. A small toad rocked on a rocking chair. Her hair was curly and bright purple. Her lips were painted a dark purple. I smiled as she croaked. 

"Well who do we have here?" She cackled. 

"Momma meet Kushina Uzumaki." 

Her eyes grew wide in astonishment. "Shima. My name is Shima. You are Naruto-kun's daughter? Ha!" She laughed. "It wasn't but a 18 years ago he came here after Jiraiya-son died." 

Her eyes grew crestallen. I had heard the name of Jiraiya many a time during my time at the Academy. He was well revered in all of Konoha and in the mind of my father. Kakashi once told me about him. 

"Ah, Jiraiya- son. I'm sure he's still writing his books up there. You should tell your father to make a sequel to that book of his. What was it called? Oh yes "Tales of a Gutsy Ninja." I'm sure Naruto-kun could write." 

I stopped. The book he always read. His master had written it. That's why it was so special to him. "I would've like to meet him." 

The purple haired toad smiled as tears brimmed on her cheeks. "Even today, I still miss him. I'll see him again. Never mind about that, let's get you some food in your belly!" She shoved me into her small house and instantly started cooking. Her house was small, quaint, and just the right size. In a matter of minutes she had some food prepared. 

A bowl of jiggly insects squirmed in a green liquid. I stopped and just looked at the tentacles. Shima grinned at me and scooted the bowl closer. I took some chopsticks and grabbed a tentacle, hesitant but I shoved it into my mouth. 

I felt it slide down my throat. The green sauce helped it slide down faster but it left a very bad after taste. I gave Shima a comforting smile and she urged me to eat more. 

"You'll be as fat as Naruto- kun soon! Has he gained weight?" She asked. I shook my head as I ate another tentacle. My stomach became a little squimish. "Oh, he never comes to visit me anymore. I'm sure he's busy with all the Hokage stuff." She walked over to the stove and put on a kettle. 

I swallowed the tentacle in my mouth. "Not really. He's onto the habit of making origami." Her yellow eyes swung towards mine. 

"Tell that fox demon to get his ass over here and see me! I'll make him some tentacle soup! It was his favorite. Well. I'll take you to the temple were you can meet the Great Toad Sage to make a contract." 

The sick feeling rose higher in my stomach. "Do you think I'm ready?" 

"My dear, if you are the daughter of Naruto, you are most definetly ready. It doesn't even hurt so don't worry about it! Come." She grabbed my hand as she hopped towards the temple. 

Something inside of me was feeling unsteady. Was I really ready? People only thought of me as special because of my father. Only because he was stronger than anyone in the Konoha. Because he had a dream and he pursued it. I was different than him. I wasn't like him. I had no goal in mind. I was only taking everyday the same. 

People expected more out of me. I wasn't like Naruto. I had no dreams to pursue. I was a normal person on the earth. Or was I? 

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