Chapter 50 Taken

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So I decided to do something different this chapter and instead delve into the mind of Takeo. This starts from the previous chapter. Enjoy!


She didn't wake me up. I chuckled with my eyes still close as the smell of breakfast wafted around the house. I got up quietly so as to not scare her. I did anyways. I was feeling a little bit adventourous today. I saw her form in the lonely kitchen stirring a pot of rice. Her blonde hair pinned in the back with a messy ponytail. She wasn't much for looking nice. I smiled as she beat her spoon against the side of the pan. 

I charged and wrapped my arms around her waist. Accidentally having my hand go up inside her shirt, I felt her soft stomach. I didn't want to be apart from her. She squirmed away from my grasp accidentally falling into the cabinet. I threw out my arm and caught her before she hit the floor. Instantly I wanted to love her. 

She was starting to yell but I stopped her bad mouth and kissed it. My hand roamed on her thigh. Oh Kushina. I parted our lips and stared into her deep blue eyes. The same one's her father had. Her father. She would be going home soon. For some reason I didn't want to be apart from her anymore. The thought of her leaving tore my heart. 

I couldn't bear to see her leave. She'd probably never come back. The started to form on my eyes. I wanted to tell her my feelings but she seemed pissed off at me anyways.  Her soft hands cupped my cheek as I held her. 

I suddenly stuck my face into her neck. I didn't want her to leave. Her becoming strong was my main goal but she was a broken girl. So many struggles. I wanted to see her strong. Capable. To see her move on with her life. I would do it any means possible. 

"No its not! What if something happens to you! I won't be there to save you!" 

She looked even more troubled. Was she sick of me. She set herself up right. Her words stung me. Was I too clingy. 

"Sooner or later I'm going to have to leave. Its my choice. You won't have to be by my side anymore. I'm going to learn nature chakra. I'll become strong." 

I sobbed harder as I saw her leave. I reached out for her brushing my fingers against her shirt. I was just trying to help her. She had never backfired at me like this before. Did she even love me? 

"Don't be such a big baby!" She yelled at me as she turned around. I felt her glaring gaze as tears dripped down my face. "Honestly you should be grateful that I'm gonna be stronger. I'm sick of you clinging to me like a monkey! I want freedoms too ya know!" 

I wanted to apologize but I felt angered at her. More angered then ever before. She wanted me to be there for her. I was. I said I would protect her and I have. Why was she yelling at me for it? 

I reached out for her shirt and this time clasped the fabric in my hands. The tears didn't come. My eyes flicked up into her lifeless eyes. My nostrils flared and I said I would help her. 

I was right. I should never have fallen in love with an Uzumaki. They always prove to be dumb and stubborn. Every bit of love and attention goes right over their mindless heads. Today I would have to show her her chakra nature. I was guessing either wind from her father or fire from her mother. I knew she didn't exactly know what nature chakra her father or her mother had. Fire. My eyes widened. I hoped to all the people in the world that it wasn't fire. 

She stood by the lake. Waiting for me. My eyes narrowed as I grabbed a couple pieces of chakra paper and walked out to her. I held out a slip of paper. 

"Take it and let a little bit of your chakra out." I said scornfully. Hopefully she would see my mad expression on my face and feel a little bit sad about it. Honestly. Her stubbornness was worse then ever before. And I was not a monkey!

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