Chapter 44 Shy Love

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 The next couple of days I trained with Takeo. He showed me the different ways to summon. How you don't have to bite your finger and many possible ways. I could tell that his memories were causing him to second guess a lot of the answers that he told me. I showed him all the kindess I could muster in my soul for him. I knew the pain was too hard on him. 

I tried to cheer him up too. Making smile face pancakes for breakfast, or even a grin from my happiness. Little by little I saw him coming back to who he was. He laughed more and his eyes gleamed. That made me happy. To see someone who was broken to be built back up. 

It had now been a week since we arrived. The shed was in tip top shape. I made sure that the floor was shiny every single morning. Takeo was still fixing the roof. 

It was a hot day. Sweat perspired on my forehead as I looked up into the hole in the ceiling. The sun shone its hot and deathly rays upon the forest. Takeo stood atop the roof continuallying wiping his face. I gulped. I had seen him shirtless many times but this time was different. I quickly turned my head and went back to fixing lunch. My eyes darted around the tiny kitchen and realized that everything was done. I didn't want to talk to Takeo. He was shirtless after all. 

"Come on Kushina. You've seen him shirtless before." I said through my teeth. In anger I took off my apron and threw it onto the ground as I went to the hole. I sheilded my eyes as I looked up. "Do you want a glass of water?!" I shouted. 

Takeo looked over the porthole in the ceiling and smiled. My cheeks rose in color as I gulped. "Yes." He calmly said. That did it. I ran out of the house and too the little stream. I couldn't breath for some reason. What was wrong with me?

I slammed my fist onto my chest as I dunked my head into the cold water. I then realized I was still wearing my glasses. I quickly took my head out of the river and blew water out of my mouth. Now I couldn't see. Then I realized it was a good thing. I wouldn't be able to see him. What was wrong with me? Never before had I cared about seeing a man shirtless. Why was it happening now?

In a huff I grabbed a bucket and threw it into the stream of water. The bucket filled and I returned back to the shed. In dismay I could still see him. Even through the droplets of water. In a haste I rushed into the shed and set the bucket down by the sink. I threw open the cuboards. Dishes stacked neatly on the wooden shelves. I saw a cup and grabbed it. Angrily I dropped the cup into the bucket and filled it with water. 

I went over to the hole and stretched as far as I could. I just wasn't tall enough. "Here!" I yelled. 

His hazel eyes looked into mine and he grinned. "What did you do? Fall in?" He laughed. 

"No!' I said angrily. His long arm reached into the hole but his fingers were inches from the cup. 

"Looks like you'll have to come up here!" He said with a smile. 

I growled in dismay as I went back outside. Not even a ladder. How in the heck did he get up there? If he was a gentleman he would've gone down to get a drink instead of having me climb up there and potentially get hurt. 

The wood pile! A large stack of wood leaned against the shed and I climbed on the wood. My face smashed against the side of the house as I tried to keep my balance. The cup teetered in my grasp and water began to slosh out of the cup. Soon I was eye level with the roof. I carefully peered over and saw Takeo still shirtless. Sweat beaded on every firm muscle of his body. I stared at him with wide eyes. Then his eyes met mine and he grinned. 

My face blushed immensely as I tried to climb up but ended up slipping on the wood. My butt hit a log and I cried out in agony. The cup slipped and crashed onto the ground. Oh no! Takeo is gonna come! I'm gonna see him shirtless! WHAT AM I GONNA DO! I thought to myself. I hurridly picked myself up only to have my butt thud with my heart beat. 

I heard a thud. HE'S COMING! I got up and ran towards the lake. The only safe zone I could think of. 

"Kushina what are you doing?" Takeo yelled. 

I quickly turned my head and saw Takeo. I cried and ran towards the lake. I heard him running towards me. I couldn't. I didn't want to see him. Then he grabbed me from behind and haulted my awkward running. I quickly closed my eyes. My breathing came in labored sounds. I didn't want to. What was wrong with me?

I felt his hot body under my clothes. I shrieked. He set me down and turned me around. I lowered my head with my eyes squeazed shut. He genlty grabbed my hand. 

"Your bleeding." He murmured. 

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw the color red. Crimson. My finger had been cut, probably on one of the logs. His fingers gently touched my skin. I knew what he was gonna do. DON'T YOU DARE SUCK MY BLOOD YOU VAMPIRE! I screamed in my head. He brought my hand closer to his mouth. His eyes fluttered shut and he opened his mouth. My mouth widened in horror and I realized my eyes were open. 

I quickly drew my hand from his grasp and turned around. The lake beseeched my eyes now. I walked closer to the lake and I kneeled in front of water. I stuck my finger into the cold water and saw the water take away the blood. 

"You don't have to suck my blood Takeo! Jeez!" I yelled. I heard him kneeling next to me. I didn't dare look at him. He muttered a faint laugh. 

"I said I would protect you didn't I?" He asked. 

"W-W-Well yea you did but....I said you protected me. Its my choice whether you protect me or not okay?" 

He continued to laugh. "Very well. But if you won't let me I'll have to do this..." His arms scooped me up. I then realized he was dragging me into the lake. 

"N-N-No no!" I screamed. "I just go-o-t these clothes clean! And l-l-aundry takes ages!" I stammere.d "Takeo! Let m-"

He threw me into the air and I screamed. The water soon enraptured me in a blanket of cold. I opened my eyes and saw the darkness swimming around me. The sun hadn't reached the bottom of the lake. It was beautiful. Then Takeo dived under water. 

My arms didn't move. I seemed to float through the water. Takeo met me under the water. His long silver hair had fallen out of his ponytail and now floated around him. He smiled under the water as he got closer and closer. I was defensless. 

His lips met mine in a crash of heat and ice. I felt his arms wrap around me as he took me to the surface still kissing me. I felt the sun on my face as water dripped down from my skin. 

Takeo withdrew from the kiss and instead had his hands reach up to my face. I blinked back water from my eyes and I realized then that my glasses were missing. When had they gone missing?

I was caught in Takeo's eyes. Forever held by their starteling beauty. 

"I will protect you, Kushina. When no one else can." He murmured to me. 

I couldn't breath. I realized he would keep his word. He dove for another kiss and this time I accepted it. 

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