CH 1

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"C'mon Lou, lay off of him" Liam said frowning as Zayn held some kid against the wall while I dug though his pockets and bag. "The headmaster might see us" Niall said looking around the empty courtyard in the middle of our school "And I can't afford to be kicked off the football team before the season even starts, I'm finally team captain". "Classes don't even start until next week, Nialler, relax" Zayn said as he finally let the kid go as I found some bills in his wallet.

"Thank you for feeding the hungry, your contribution is greatly appreciated" I said. "Always happy to help Tomlinson" the kid said, his voice heavy with sarcasm; "You want to fix that statement?" Zayn said cracking his knuckles.

Liam gave a heavy sigh as the kid quickly grabbed his stuff and ran out of the courtyard. "You guys want some lunch? Courtesy of...whoever that was" I said turning to my friends while counting the bills. "Nandos!" Niall blurted out before anyone else can say anything.

"Tommo you're from one of the wealthiest families in all of the UK; I mean your father has been knighted by the queen, why do you do that kind of stuff?" Liam said as we walked to the nearly empty parking lot of the school "Because he can" Zayn said smiling largely as he slapped my back "Louis has a reputation to uphold, after all". Liam nor Niall said anything else about it further, they didn't like how I acted; in fact if we hadn't been friends for years they probably wouldn't be my friends at all.

"So Nandos?"Liam said unlocking his black SUV and Niall hopped into the passenger seat but kept the door open to listen to the conversation. "I don't care" I said shrugging as I put on my motorcycle helmet, "Whatever Louis wants I'm OK with" Zayn said as he put on his own motorcycle helmet. Zayn always went along with what I said since my family kept the Malik's from being deported to Pakistan when his father let his visa and passport expire; I couldn't let that happen to my best friend.

Liam nodded and climbed into his car before turning on the engine. I mounted my motorcycle, a custom made blue Kawasaki Ninja H2R with green streaks, and headed to Nandos. I shook my head slightly as Zayn and his black Honda motorcycle weaved and darted between cars and traffic for absolutely no reason.

"Hail King Tomlinson!" some guys shouted at me from a car as they passed by; Zayn shouted back "1D!" which caused the guys in the car to whoop and laugh. 1D or One Direction was the name of my crew, I use the word crew and not gang because it's not like we went around shooting people, robbing stores and tagging buildings. Zayn actually chose the name, something about togetherness, unity and brotherhood. I didn't create 1D, people just started hanging around me and one day Zayn decided that our group needed a name.

"Wait, wait, before we go inside I've been dying for a doughnut" Niall said already walking towards a new bakery that just opened up down the street. "Niall we're literally just about to eat" I complained as I followed him. "I wonder if Niall actually ever gets full" Zayn playfully teased and Liam chuckled and said "Probably not, he can be at a buffet for hours and hours and still want to eat twenty minutes later". "I wonder if the Horan family caused the Irish Potato Famine just because they ate all the potatoes" I said.

The smell of fresh baked bread, pastries and cakes greeted us as we entered the small business, behind the counter was a guy that was bent over what looked to be a science textbook judging by the pictures. He didn't notice us so Liam finally said "Already studying? I didn't know any schools where open yet". The guy jumped slightly and looked at us, giving a shy smile that showed dimples. It was all I could do to act normal.

The guy, Harry from his nametag, shook his head "No classes haven't started yet but I just got accepted into this prestigious academy and I'll need to keep good grades to attend since my family doesn't have the money to pay the tuition, I'm on a scholarship". Harry kept looking at me but I pretended I was too busy looking at some cakes in the shape of rabbits to notice.

"That's great news" Liam said "What academy is it?" "The Royal London Academy of Arts, Maths and Sciences" Harry replied. My head snapped in his direction and for the first time our eyes met and I instantly regretted it; this can't happen, I tore my eyes away from him and pulled out my phone to distract myself. "That's great! We all attend there too!" Liam said.

"I don't mean to interrupt this new friendship but I'm literally dying of hunger over here" Niall said nearly shoving Liam aside to stand in front of the counter. "Zayn, Louis; you want anything?" Niall said over his shoulder as he got a half dozen doughnuts and pastries for him and Liam, mostly for him. Both of us shook our heads and Niall handed Harry the money. Liam shook his hand "I hope to see you at school next week" Harry glanced at me and smiled before looking back to Liam "I'd love that".

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