CH 32

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That night I was lying in bed; upset and frustrated. I rolled on my stomach and got on my phone, going on facebook; even though me and Zayn weren't facebook friends I sent him a message.

Me: You got my mom fired from her job?

I didn't expect a reply at all, so I was surprised when an an instant one came.

Zayn: I made a phone call, the funny thing about the Academy is that you can usually find the son or daughter of the owner or ceo of a business. I do feel bad though Harry, I'm sorry it came to this.

I scoffed as I read his reply and read the next message he sent

Zayn: I'm not a bad guy or a monster; I figured your mom would try to get her job back at Holmes Chapel, so I made another call for you.

I laughed bitterly at Zayn and typed "You're so nice"

Zayn: I'm not a bad guy, you're just messing with my brother and I can't allow that. Don't contact Louis again I'll take care of everything from here on out.

I sighed, and simply sent "K"

what surprised me though was his next message "And stay away from Liam. I heard you're starting to hang around him more. I swear to god Harry if you do anything to Liam I'll do a lot more than simply get your mom fired from her job.

*Zayn Malik has logged off*


Louis's POV

Tuesday morning I sent Harry a text as I got ready, telling him that I still had to take Zayn to school and asking if I could see him this afternoon; after all he was, technically, my tutor and I was actually starting to fall behind in my music class. Who would have known sitting next to a hot guy that you were secretly dating would be such a huge distraction?

I was doing fine in my other classes since I paid other students to take the exams and do my homework for me, but in that class there was very little homework and we haven't had a single test yet; we were graded largely on class participation, attendance, in-class activities and assignments.

The teacher's, staff and headmaster knew what I was doing but looked away. My parents gave so much money to the Academy that it was joked that they paid for half of the salaries of the staff.

Whenever someone outside of the school complained, like another parent; I would be called into the headmaster's office, get a "stern talking to" and then get sent home for the rest of the day since I was "suspended", I could go back to school the next day however. Only I could get away with it though because of my parents; a couple of years ago some other people tried to copy me and got expelled, kicked out of the school, because of it.

I continued getting ready for school: getting dressed and making myself a bagel, checking my phone often since Harry usually responded pretty quickly. Half an hour later when Zayn walked into my house Harry still didn't reply "Hey Louis thanks for the ride again, I took my bike to the shop yesterday so it should be all good by tomorrow" Zayn said as I grabbed my bag to go to school. Zayn must have noticed I was checking my phone every three seconds since he asked "Everything alright Louis?" "Yeah...It's nothing" I said picking up my keys and walking out the door.

"So what you doing this afternoon? I was thinking you me Eleanor and Perrie can do something" Zayn said as I drove us to school. "Sorry, I think I have something to do" I said, glancing at my phone again.


Harry's POV

I walked to my old school on Wednesday morning, staring at my phone as I walked; I did exactly what Zayn wanted, I completely ignored Louis. I scrolled through the series of texts I got yesterday

Sent 6:45 "Harry I have to take Zayn to school again today. Are you free this afternoon? I need help in music...and I want to see you ;) "

Sent 8:19 "Harry did you miss your bus again? Music already started"

Sent 9:03 "Harry are you ok? You missed music are you sick or something? I'll leave school and bring you some soup or something, I don't mind"

Sent 11:07 "Harry is everything ok?"

Sent 12:30 "Harry I'm getting worried please just say something let me know you're ok"

Sent 1:42 "Hey Harry, Zayn says that you messaged him on facebook and said that you were mad at me, what did I do? Harry we can talk about this, just please say something"

I sighed when I read this,I knew what Zayn was he doing: he was trying to get Louis mad at me for "getting mad at him" and eventually hopped that Louis would stop talking to me".

Sent 2:31 "Harry I'm coming to your house after school, we need to talk about whatever is bothering you. I don't want to lose you again, please Harry."

Sent 4:12 "Harry, where are you? You weren't home so I went by the bakery and they said that you called this morning and quit. What's going on?"

Sent 4:14 "I'm going back to your house and waiting outside your door; I don't care how long it takes, I'll wait for you. We need to talk about about whatever I did. I'll be in my car waiting.

Sent 6:53 "Harry, please I'm begging you, I feel like shit. Please, please just tell me what I did, I'll fix I swear. I'll do anything you want.

Sent 8:19 "Harry I'm so so so sorry for whatever I did, I sincerely apologize I'll make it better.

Sent 8:22 "Harry I'm going home, maybe you just need some space. Whenever you want to talk you know how to reach me. I'll leave my ringer on instead of turning it on silent so if you want to talk at like 3 in the morning we can talk"

He also called me six times yesterday, which I just let go to voicemail; he only left two left voicemails, one at lunch time to ask if I was ok and one at two in the morning wishing me a good night and reminding me that I can call him whenever; his voice cracked several times in the second voicemail, like he was on the verge of crying. It was completely heart breaking.

"Holy crap! Harry what are you doing here?" a voice said to me. I looked up, I haven't even realized I had arrived at my old school; my friend Matthew Healy was waving me over to where he and his friends were standing. Matthew, or Matty as he preferred, has been my friend forever however, I've only talked to Matty once since I've been in London since I was so busy.

Matty was a free, unchained spirit that should have been born in the 1960's; he shaved the sides of his head and kept the long black hair on the top of his head, he was actually fairly attractive with his light brown eyes.  He and Louis were opposites, Louis was short and had a slightly sporty body while Matty was nearly my height and was thin as a stick

 Matty was really into partying, drugs and sleeping around like the hippies of that time were; he didn't care what anyone said about him and I really admired that about him. I didn't have very many friends here, not because of my sexuality, but because I was friends with Matty.

Matty had a reputation for being weird and strange; he'll randomly start singing at the top of his lungs, flirt with people randomly and just act like there were no rules for behavior. He'd been sent home so many times for being disruptive that classmates started betting how long he would last each day.

"Damn, you got an iPhone? What, did you get a sugar daddy in London?" Matty asked as I put my phone away. "Good to have you back Harry; Matty missed you" Matty's friend Ross said with a smile. "It's true, I missed my little cupcake" Matty said with a smile.

I looked down at my phone as it started vibrating, it was Louis calling me; sighing to myself I put my phone back in my pocket "So how was London, tell me all about it" Matty said "Did you meet anyone?"

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