CH 42

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On the morning of my birthday, roughly a month since Harry moved in, I was woken up by Harry violently vomiting in my bathroom; it was still dark outside since it was so early. Walking to the bathroom I squatted next to my fiancee "Harry, what's wrong?" I asked as I rubbed his back. "I don't know, I've been having cramps in my stomach and now this" he said. "Let's get you dressed baby, I'm taking you to the hospital" I said, moving his hair from his face. Harry must have been feeling bad since he agreed without a fuss.


He and I waited in a "room" in the hospital; even though the nurse told him not too, Harry wanted me in "room" that was separate from the others by a curtain. He was in a hospital bed with an IV in his arm after the nurse took some blood samples to run some tests. We both looked as a doctor pulled back the curtain to enter and slid it back into place for privacy while staring at his medical clipboard.

"Mr. Styles?" the doctor asked, finally looking up from his clipboard. Harry nodded and the doctor looked over as a nurse brought in a strange looking machine "We're going to do an ultrasound of your torso to make sure you don't have any tumors since your blood tests were...unusual". "Tumors? Does Harry have cancer?" I asked, horrified.

"We're just checking everything" the doctor said as the nurse hooked up the machine. "Harry please lift your shirt so I can apply this gel and do an ultrasound of your stomach" the doctor said, putting on some gloves. The doctor applied a clear gel to Harry's lower stomach and brought a little scanner thing to his skin, an image popped up on the screen of the machine and moved when the doctor moved the scanner.

"Hopefully we can find what's giving you stomach issues" the doctor said to fill silence as all three of watched the screen. "That's...impossible" the doctor said to the screen, I studied it but I could really see anything. "Gentleman I'll be right back, please don't move or touch anything" the doctor said before quickly walking out of the "room".

"What was that about?" I asked, Harry looked at me "I'm scared Louis, what am I going to do if it's cancer?" I placed my hand in his "We'll figure it out together Harry" I said, nodding to the engagement ring he wore on his thumb instead of his ring finger to avoid any questions.

Thankfully we didn't wait very long and the first doctor entered with another doctor "Gentleman she's just here for a second opinion, alright" the first doctor said as he picked up the scanner and placed it on Harry's stomach. Both of the doctors studied the screen "You're correct" the second doctor said before walking out.

The doctor turned to us "Do you guys see this?" he said pointing to the screen; I couldn't make out anything except for a small, tiny, tiny circular blob. "Harry, you're pregnant; that's the fetus" the doctor said "This confirms what your blood tests told us, you're about four weeks pregnant... it seems your stomach issues were morning sickness".

I sat down in the chair, hard. Harry pregnant? What? How? Was that even possible?

The doctor went on "Luckily for you Harry we can perform an abortion in this hospital,I'll get you transferred there immediately". "Wait, wait, wait" I said holding up my hands "Abortion? I think he and I should talk about it first". The doctor looked at me as if I lost my mind " can't honestly want to keep the fetus. You're both teenagers; a child is a huge responsibility. Now, abortions are actually-"

"Thank you doctor but we'll be leaving now" I said cutting him off; I had no idea what was happening but an abortion was a drastic choice to make a whim.


Harry's POV

As soon as we got back to Louis's house I ran to the bathroom and just broke down, sobbing. Louis didn't say a word the entire ride home and I was losing my mind. Dialing the familiar number I brought my phone to my ear "Harry? You know it's only six in the morning on Christmas eve right? Mate I've got a wicked hangover...Harry are you crying? What's wrong?" Matty said.

"I'm pregnant" I said through hiccups and tears. "What happened?" he asked. "We didn't use a condom one time!" I sobbed into the phone. "And you never told Louis this could happen?" Matty asked "No, how do you tell someone something that that?" I asked. "The same way you told me" he answered "How is he taking the news?" "He's just sitting in the living room, he won't talk to me" I sobbed harder "Matty I'm so scared, what if wants to break up? Louis gets unpredictable in stressful or scary situations"

"Harry breathe, he's just probably just overwhelmed. Most guys assume their boyfriends can't get pregnant, and since you never told him he's probably feeling really lost and confused right now" Matty said, trying to calm me down "Harry get out of the toilet and go talk to your fiancee, call me later ok?"

I cleaned myself up before walking to the living room; Louis was still sitting there, staring at nothing. I sat on the other couch, away from him, not knowing how he would react. After a long, tense, silent moment he finally spoke up "Just answer me one question Harry, did you know this might happen? Is that why you were always so strict about condoms?"

I nodded and Louis sat back in his seat "Well, what are we going to do about it?" I was stunned, when I told Matty all those years ago he had a million and two questions; I was also expecting Louis to lose his temper like he did when we first met, but Louis just accepted it. When I didn't answer Louis said "I guess the first conversation we need to have is: are we going to keep the baby".

"What...what do you want?" I asked, still cautious that Louis might fly off the handle without warning. "I want you to be happy Harry, this is going to affect you a lot more than it's going to affect least for the next nine months" he said turning his head to look at me. I just had to ask "Louis aren't you upset?"

Louis sighed and turned his body to face me completely "I'm not upset...I just wish you would have told me this might happen; it's a kind of big secret to keep from me". I got up and sat next to him "I know but I didn't want to freak you out; when we first met you were so scared and...I didn't want to give you another reason to be...and then as time went on there didn't seem to be a good moment to tell you".

Louis placed a hand on me knee "Harry, baby, I'm not blaming you; what happened happened and now we have a make some big choices". I leaned my head on his shoulder, I wasn't supposed to make a choice like this for another twenty years until I would be middle aged.

"I want to keep it" I finally said. Louis placed a gentle, loving hand on my tummy "I do too if I'm being honest...we're going to be dads Harry" he said before giving me a large smile that took my breath away. I placed my hand on top of his, we're going to be a family.

Louis kissed me on the cheek "Thank you Harry, this is the best birthday present anyone has ever gotten me".

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