CH 5

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Soon the news that Harry was poor spread like the plague; and with each telling Harry got poorer and poorer. When I heard the rumor again during second class, Harry was living in absolute poverty with his mother and sister in a one bedroom apartment and used a communal bathroom with the other families on the floor. Harry and his family drank out of bowls because they couldn't afford cups and they lived entirely off of donated food from their church.

Harry was eating lunch alone on a bench, some type of sandwich brought from home; I wasn't even aware I was staring until Zayn spoke up "What you staring at?" he said, trying to follow my gaze "Oh Samantha? Dude she's super fine, and got a booty so nice you pinch that twice; anyway are you coming to the party?"

I looked at Zayn "What are you talking about?" Zayn face palmed and sighed "The party I was talking about for like the last twenty years! It's tonight! Liam, Nial,l and I are going and you should come too; you've been acting really weird since school started and this might help get your head out of the clouds".

I glanced at Harry, maybe this party would be a good thing; maybe I'd meet a nice girl and these feelings for Harry will go away on their own. "Sure, I'll go Zayn" I said turning back to my friend. "Awesome man, it'll be fun you'll see"; Zayn started laughing add I turned around.

"Those are some nice shoes Harry; it'll be a shame if, oh no" One of my crew said as he tipped over the can of soda he was holding and got his drink all over Harry's shoes. I couldn't help him, everyone would see and it would be suspicious if I stopped it at this point.

"I'm so sorry Harry, terribly clumsy of me" the guy said with a sneer as he walked away and laughed with the other guys he was with. Harry's and I eyes met and the amount of hurt in them caused my throat to tighten; by an extreme force of will I turned around and faced my crew, leaving Harry standing there with other students laughing at him.

"Are you alright?" Niall said as we ran up and down the football field, playing a football game of one versus one. "Yeah why?" I asked as I stole the ball away from him and made a goal. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, he panted "It's just that you haven't played with me in so long, it's just strange; especially cause school was finished an hour ago and you're still here".

What was I supposed to say? Niall, I'm completely head over heels for a guy? He wasn't that far off, I did want to play with him today because I had a lot on my mind "Nah mate, I just can't let your ego get too big; the captain of the football team has be reminded that he aint top dog" I said causing Niall to chuckle "Fine, point taken, anyway next goal wins cause I got chemistry homework I've got to do".

"I'll see you around" Niall said slapping my back as we walked toward the parking lot "I'll see you tonight at the party?" he asked. I nodded "I'll be there" I said as I unlocked the door to my car "See you" I said as I slid in.

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