CH 43

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Harry's POV

Louis and I laid in bed, we both fell back asleep since we woke up super early today; Louis fell asleep with a hand on my stomach since he was the big spoon as usual. I sighed to myself and buried my face in the pillow as I heard Louis's front door open and our friends voices reached me; I've got to talk to Louis about keeping that door locked.

Soon I heard a knock at our door "Guys, are you decent?" I heard Niall ask; after they walked in into the room once in the middle of a blow job they were always careful, it was hilarious. When neither Louis nor I answered, Niall careful opened the door to peek inside and when he saw us sleeping and clothed he just walked in.

"Geez Harry, what did you do to the poor lad? He's exhausted." Zayn teased after Louis let out a cute little snore. "They were probably up all night as Harry gave Louis his "birthday gift" Liam teased "Can't go wrong with a classic". I smiled "You're kinda right Liam, go now away for like another hour" I said, closing my eyes again. Niall shrugged "His party isn't until tonight anyway".

Zayn kneeled down in front of me and whispered "Harry did you get Louis two gifts? One for Christmas and one for his birthday?" I opened one eye "Of course I did, what kind of fiancee would I be if I only got him one gift?"

Liam sighed "See I told you Zayn" Zayn looked over his shoulder "We always only get him one gift; how was I supposed to know Harry was trying to win boyfriend of the year?" "The malls and stores are going to be super crowded since it's Christmas eve" Niall said as they all left.

I felt Louis's lips on the back of my neck before he said "Did you really get me two presents?" I nodded and placed my hand over his that was on my stomach "Of course I did". I felt Louis cuddle closer to me, placed his cheek on my shoulder "Most people only get me one"; I looked over my shoulder at him "Well since you're awake do you want your birthday present?"

Louis chuckled and drew circles around my bellybutton "You mean besides the baby?" I laughed "That one wasn't planned" I said as I got up and dug through the closet. I pulled out the wrapped gift and placed it on the bed "I wrapped it myself" I said proudly "It even has a little bow on it" I said pointing to the red bow in the corner.

Louis unwrapped the gift and pulled out the green adidas hoodie that was inside, size extra small so it would fit him. "I love it" he said, unfolding and admiring it. "Sorry I couldn't you something bigger I don't have much money" I admitted.

Louis put down the jumper and held my face in his hands "Harry, you can give me a rock you found off the street and I'd cherish it forever because you gave it to me; because you thought of me when you saw it" he said before he brought our lips together.

As we pulled away I smiled "Good because that's exactly what I got you Christmas: a rock I found". Louis pointed to his dresser "Then I'll keep it right there and admire it every day".


Louis POV

I sat with our friends and Harry as we had lunch in Ipswich, away from London so Liam and Zayn, as well as Harry and I, didn't had to hide the fact that we were together; although Harry still wore his engagement ring on his thumb. Harry's appetite came back with a vengeance since we didn't have any breakfast and slept through most of the morning; he ordered two dishes and destroyed them both before Niall even finished his food.

I carefully watched Harry, in case he got nauseous again; to be completely honest: the fact that Harry had a child inside of him, my child, utterly and completely terrified me but it filled me with such excitement and love that I had to keep my hands in front of me to keep them of his stomach.

I was bursting from the desire to tell everyone that I was going to be a dad but when I asked Harry about it, he actually got ashamed saying that he didn't want people to think he was a freak. My confident little Haaza was insecure about this so I didn't press the issue; we'd cross that bridge in three or so months when he started getting a little baby bump.

However Harry's pregnancy caused issues for my birthday; we wouldn't be able to go to my birthday party. Every year my crew threw this massive party down by the docks, the issue was that were was always drugs, mainly weed, and alcohol at the party; both of which were harmful to the baby. I sat there with my friends, letting their conversation flow over me as I tried to think of a way to weasel out of going to the party.

"So yeah, after this year I'm going to be moving to America" Niall was saying. "But why Niall? What's in America?" Liam asked. Niall sat back in seat "Mate have you seen American girls? Unlike all of you, we straight people need to work for dates" Niall said, playfully glaring at all of us before smiling "Nah, my older brother brother Greg is moving to America since he found a job there and I want to go to also".

I pulled out my phone as I got a text "Louis are you alright? You're very quiet" the message from Harry said. "My birthday party tonight will have drugs and booze, it won't be good for the baby so I'm trying to think of a way to not go" I typed back. "You should still go Louis, it's your birthday, don't let me hold you back" Harry responded. "I'd rather stay with you anyway. I'd rather cuddle and watch Netflix with you then go and get drunk and high at a party, your love is my drug Harry. I'm hopelessly addicted".

I heard Harry quietly sigh "Fine how about you go only for a little while and then I'll call you and you can use me as an excuse to leave early. Everyone wins. Louis I don't want you to feel like you need to change what you do and stuff just for me". "You should have thought of that before you decided to have my baby" as I sent the message I gave Harry a cheeky smile, he tried to glare at me but he just ended up little like an angry kitten.

Zayn looked up from his phone "Louis people are starting to arrive at the warehouse we should get going before they eat all the food". I nodded and Harry turned to Niall "Niall take me home?" Niall nodded "I never go to Louis's parties, his crew tends to be wild and...yeah". Zayn chuckled "Niall the church boy"


"You're home early Louis" Harry said as I walked in "Something happen?" Niall said as he stole some cookie dough that Harry was mixing. "The crew brought strippers" I shrugged. "We're making cookies for Christmas" Niall said through a mouthful of cookie dough before Harry hit him with the wooden mixing spoon "We'd be making cookies if you didn't eat all the dough!"

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