CH 11

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I pulled away my face from Harry's who looked completely flabbergasted "This never happened" I said as I walked away from him. "What are you scared of?" Harry said behind me, I wheeled around to look at him "I'm not scared of anything, and this didn't happen; even if you told anyone, no one would believe you".

"You alright Louis?" Zayn asked as I sat on an empty chair next to him. I nodded "Yeah, Harry was just having issues". Zayn shook his head "I told you he shouldn't have come, he's weird". I just shrugged "I was trying to be nice, Liam and Niall are cool with him you know". Zayn snorted in contempt and Liam came over with a hamburger on a paper plate "Louis you hungry? Niall and I are manning the grill".

"Thanks" I said, taking the sandwich. "Harry! We were wondering where you wandered off too!" Liam said, waving him over "Come here grab some food, you must be starving". Harry shook his head "Amile, can you take me home, I'm not feeling well", one of the university girls nodded "Sure, in a bit ok; let me just finish this burger". "Where are you going?" I asked, Harry didn't look at me "Amile is a friend of my older sister Gemma and I have a headache so I'm going home".

"I'll take you home Harry" I said, standing up. "Louis you literally just got here, why are you leaving?" Liam asked. Niall put a finger to his lips "Shh Liam, with Louis gone there will be more food and girls for us". "You're acting really weird" Zayn commented.

I stuck my hands in my pants pockets "Harry said that he was feeling sick; I didn't believe him and I forced him to come anyway, so he's my responsibility". I couldn't let Harry walk away; I might never get him back.

Harry sat in my passenger seat, in understandably angry silence. I let him have his space, listening to the radio when he finally spoke up "You just missed the turn to London". "We're not going to London" I said turning down the radio a little bit. "Buckle up everyone; we're going for another round on the Tomlinson rollercoaster" he said as he stared out the window. "You're not curious where we're going?" I asked, surprised.

"Call it Stockholm syndrome or whatever but I still like spending time with you...even if I don't know which way is up most of the time" Harry said, still looking out the window. "Are you mad?" I said, just happy that he's talking to me again. "I'm not mad Louis, just frustrated and confused; will you just answer me one question?" Harry said turning to look at me finally.

"Are you in the closet?" He asked. I sighed deeply and glanced at him before turning back to the road. "Yes, you're the only one who knows, not even Zayn, Liam nor Niall know; I'm so deep in the closet that I've found next year's Christmas presents" I said, trying to lighten the mood.

Harry looked at his hands "That explains everything, I understand now". Harry reached over and placed his hand on my knee; it caught me completely by surprise and I swerved, causing the car to my left to use his horn.

Harry pulled back his hand and laughed; not even slightly concerned that we almost crashed. "Harry don't do that!" I said in the meanest voice I could but failed terribly, his laughter was contagious.

"We're nearly there" I said as I pulled over to the side of the highway and turned off my car. "If "here" means "the middle of nowhere" and yes we're here" Harry said getting out of the car and looking around. "C'mon, it's this way" I said, tilting my head to the right, where we were going.

"When I was younger, I used to come here whenever I was upset" I said as I took off my shoes and wiggled my toes in the sand of the small hidden beach that was protected from view by bushes and a hill. "You used to drive an hour away from home to come here?" Harry asked and I nodded before sitting down in the sand.

Harry sat next to me so our shoulders and hips were touching, and I didn't move away. "You have everything Louis; money, popularity, respect, what do you have to be upset about?" Harry asked "Sounds like a good life". "It is, and I know I have it better than most people; but even if you buy the best birdcage, it's still a cage".

I laid back so I was on lying on the sand, resting the back of my head on my hands so I wouldn't get sand in my hair "But I didn't bring you to my secret spot to whine and complain". "And why did you bring me here?" Harry asked me, looking at the waves. "To be honest, I have no idea" I said to the sky "It just made sense...somehow".

Harry laid back as well before asking "This never happened either?" moving my right hand from under my head, I intertwined our fingers together "Never" I replied.

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