CH 26

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"Can I ask you something?" I asked as Harry climbed into my car the next morning.  "Twenty two centimeters" he replied.  I blinked at him "What?" "Oh you're not asking about my...never mind, what was your question?" He said as I pulled out into the street. "What did you and Niall talk about yesterday?" I asked, still curious what was twenty two centimeters.

"Yeah! It was the weirdest thing yesterday!" he said as he turned slightly in his seat to face me "He just came up to me and starting saying all this stuff about how I should stand up for myself and if I needed someone to talk to about anything that he would listen.  He also said that I shouldn't be scared of you, I was so confused". 

"It seems there is a rumor that I'm...coercing you...sexually" I explained and Harry simply nodded "That explains it; I'll talk to him today and tell him that I gave you my ass willingly" Harry started laughing when he saw the shocked look on my face, and I nearly crashed us into the car in front of us as he placed his hand on my inner thigh.  "Harry! What are you doing?" I said indignantly.  "You're my boyfriend and I can touch you whenever I want; and since at school I can't, I better do it now" I huffed and kept driving which caused Harry to chuckle.

"You know, it's one my biggest fantasies to do it in a car" Harry said off handedly.  "Yeah?" I said glancing at him "To be honest I haven't really thought about it too much...maybe in the back of a movie theater?" Harry was silent for a moment before scooting closer in his seat towards me "You know, I wouldn't mind if you...initiated, sometimes; you know, be a little more aggressive".  I glanced at him "I'll...keep that in mind?"  Harry placed his head on my shoulder "Like right now, if you just like...pushed my head down toward your crotch I wouldn't mind it".

I looked at Harry again "Umm...ok?" Harry gave a large sigh and sat back up "Jesus Louis, why is everything so hard with you?" "What? What did I do?" I said, really confused.  Harry sighed "Never mind we're almost at school now" under his breath Harry said "Blue balls from my own boyfriend, what has this world come too". 

"Harry what the hell are you talking about?" I said but Harry only sighed and said "I'll see if I can't go to your house after school today for a...tutoring session". I smiled at Harry "I'd really like that, we can swing by one of my favorite noddle shops on the way home and grab come Chinese food". "Oh I'll grab something this afternoon alright" Harry said under his breath, sounding a little frustrated. 

Harry was fidgeting and restless the entire class and more than once I noticed him adjust the front of his pants. "Come to the hotel room" Harry whispered to me at the end of class, "hotel room" being the code word we invented for that spot under the stairs.  "What? Now?" I said but he was already out the door.  Gathering my stuff I followed him from a distance.  When I went under the stairs with him, Harry literally pushed me against the wall; before I knew what was even happening my pants were around my ankles and Harry had me in his mouth. 

If I wasn't leaning against the wall I would have completely fallen over; Harry grabbed my hands and placed them on his head. It didn't take long for me to finish and when I did Harry gave a contented sigh of relief and put my pants back on before wiping his mouth "I'll see you at lunch, even though I just ate".  He chuckled since I couldn't answer before kissing me on the cheek and walking out into the hall. 


"Niall, Niall!" I said, grabbing my friend by his shoulder in between my third and fourth class "Hey I was thinking after school we could grab something to eat and play a game of football? It's been a while since Nouis caused some trouble".  Niall turned to look at me and the expression on his face wasn't exactly friendly. "Didn't Harry talk to you?" I said "Yes, yes he did; but did you really expect I would believe him?" he said "I'll see you later Louis".

I sighed as Niall walked away but Zayn came up to me "Niall has been acting really weird lately" he commented.  "Yeah I just hope he'll come around" I sighed again.  "Anyway, you doing anything later Louis? It's been a long time since you've hung out with 1D and tonight we're planning on going down to the docks".

"I think I have something to do right after school" I said thinking of Harry "But afterwards I'll give you a text".  Zayn nodded "Cool, also bring your bike; that poor girl has been in your garage collecting dust for ages".  "That's because he can't ride motor bikes" I said without thinking.  "Who can't ride motor bikes?" Zayn asked, I blinked "Err... Eleanor, she can't ride motor bikes so I've been using my car more" I said quickly. "Yeah that make sense, I've been using my mom's car since Perrie is terrified of motorbikes as well" Zayn said, nodding

The bell rang, meaning we had four minutes to get to class or we would be late but Zayn just stood there.  "Are you alright?" I asked him as I opened my locker to get my next class's books.  "Hey listen, has" Zayn trailed off and I had every effort to keep a straight face.  "Has Liam been acting different?" he finally asked.  "I haven't noticed anything" I said "What do you mean acting different?"

Zayn shrugged "Nothing, I'm going to go to class, see you tonight".

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