CH 29

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Harry's POV

"You didn't have to come get me, if you live anywhere by Louis I know it's a bit of a drive" I protested as I climbed into Liam's large black SUV; which was massive compared to Louis's short, sleek sports car. 

"Harry's it's no issue really; truth be told I need some time away from my older sisters or imma start growing boobs and getting my period; so I actually hoped you lived in Scotland or Wales or Cornwall so I can stay out of the house longer and keep my dick...I'm rather fond of it you know" he said with a completely serious face as he started driving.  I busted out laughing out with caused him to chuckle along with me.

When I calmed Liam looked over and said "So the plan is to get some pancakes sound good? We're meeting up with Niall, he called and asked what my plan was and when I told him I was going to get breakfast with you he asked to tag along".  I nodded, so I had to work kind of fast then, as I opened my mouth to say something Liam's car started ringing as the bluetooth in his car was connect to his phone. 

"One sec Harry" Liam said before pushing a button on his steering wheel "You're on the air with Liam James Payne".  "Hey Liam it's me" an unfamiliar voice said over his far speakers.  "What's going on Zayn?" Liam said, I immediately got angry since Zayn was the one that broke down Louis yesterday.

"I...what are you doing today?" Zayn asked, awkwardly.  "I'm getting some pancakes with Niall and Harry" Liam explained, glancing at me with a smile. "Harry? Harry Styles from school?" Zayn asked quickly "Where are you guys going? I'll join up". 

I quickly tried to think of any excuse to tell Liam that I didn't want Zayn there but I couldn't without being super obvious.  Zayn went on to say "You know since Louis has taken such a shining to Harry, we should get to know him better too". 

Liam looked curious at his car stereo "Uhh...ok? Well anyway we're going to that cafe, you know the one Niall likes?" "I'll be there, see you soon" Zayn said. "Wait, wait, wait" Liam said "since we're all hanging out together, we should give Louis a call" Liam looked at me "Oh wait, he doesn't have his phone...Zayn you live close to him can you swing by and ask him if he wants to come?" There was silence on the line before Zayn said "Sure." before hanging up.  Liam glanced at me as the radio started to play again "Well that was weird".   I stared out the window, my plan was quickly falling to pieces; there would be no way to talk about Louis now. 

As I tried to collect my thoughts I turned to look at Liam as he said "Hey...umm...I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now but I couldn't" Liam gripped the steering wheel with both hands so hard that this knuckles turned white "'m gay". 

I looked at him in confusion, I already knew this, why was he telling me again? I realized that Louis told me but Liam himself never did, this was an important moment in Liam's life! "Yeah? I'm happy you decided to tell me Liam" I said, trying to be supportive like all my old friends were. 

"You gave me the courage Harry, you're proud to be who you are and I really admired that...but before you get any ideas I'm not coming on to you, there is someone else I like" Liam quickly said.  "Who is it?" I asked, Louis didn't tell me this part.

Liam glanced at me, as if trying to make a decision but he deflected the question "Just some guy at school, anyway we're here" he said pulling in front of a cafe where Niall was already sitting at a table, absolutely destroying a plate of toast. 

"About time you guys came, the waiter won't bring me anymore toast!" Niall whined as Liam sat across from him, I tried to sit next to him but Niall patted the chair next to me, telling me to sit next to him.  "Sorry mate, you know how bad London traffic is Saturday morning" Liam apologized.  "So how you been Harry? You ok?" Niall asked as he studied my face like he was looking for bruises or something.   "I'm alright" I answered, slightly uncomfortable under Niall's scrutiny.

He looked away though as the roar of a motorbike sounded and the person squeezed in the space in front of Liam's car and the car in front of his; the person took off his helmet and it was Zayn who looked directly at me and curled his lip, trying to smile but looking more like a snarl. 

"Vas happening" he said, taking a seat beside Liam and directly across from me.  "Just waiting for your slow arses, I'm literally starving right now" Niall whined again.  Zayn chuckled "Then let's eat, Harry you have to try the pancakes here, they're awesome" Liam looked at Zayn and then at me before back to Zayn, probably sensing like I did that something was wrong.   "Aye! Probably the best in all the world" Niall nodded in agreement, oblivious "That's what i'm getting". 

Breakfast was cool, at least on the surface; whenever Liam or Niall were distracted or talking with each other I caught glimpses of Zayn's face, he looked like an angry thundercloud.  The feeling was mutual, he was the one that made Louis cry, he was the one that made my boyfriend literally scared for his life. 

After breakfast we all sat around just shooting the breeze before Zayn stood up "I'm in the mood or something sweet, Harry you should come with me, there is a bakery down the street and i need your expert opinion".  I nodded and stood up, "Bring me a donut too!" Niall said "I'll come too" Liam said but Zayn shook his head "We can't leave Niall alone, it's not fair; plus we haven't paid yet so we can't leave".

Zayn and I walked down the street in a tense silence before he said "Harry, I'm only going to say this once: Louis isn't queer. I don't know what you did or what you told him but I'm telling you right now to stay away from him".  I turned to stare at Zayn; fighting the urge to laugh since he was accusing me of witchcraft or mind control or something "I'm gay Zayn, not a mind controller....Zayn, Louis is happy you have to admit how much he has been smiling, please just keep his secret-"

Zayn quickly turned to me and I flinched from the sudden movement, thinking he was going to hit me. Zayn nearly shouted in my face  "He has no secret! You just tricked him! Or maybe he and Eleanor aren't working out, I don't know; but he isn't gay!"

Zayn took a deep breath and lowered his voice as people were starting to stare at us "Today will be your last day with him, after today I better not see you with him; he needs time to think, to realize he's not into dudes.  He's still my friend and it's my job to look out for him, even if he doesn't realize that he needs it". 

"Zayn, Louis has told me a lot about the relationship between you too; if he is really your friend you will let this go, he is absolutely terrified of what will happen on Monday.  If you care of him at all, let this go" I said, begging for Louis's sake. 

"What? And ignore the fact that you're shoving your dick up his ass like some girl?!" Zayn asked incredulously "It's actually the other way around" I said losing my patience "And you should see me take it like a man". My breath got knocked out of me as Zayn shoved me against a wall, grabbing my shirt with his fists "You think this is a goddamn joke?! Harry I know several people that can make your life very miserable, they're just a phone call away.

"I'm not afraid of you Zayn, I don't care what you think about gays or even me; but Louis has always been this way, and if this new information makes you think differently of him...then you were never his friend to begin with".  "You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about" Zayn said as he let go my shirt "I love Louis like a brother and that's why I'm doing this; I have to protect my friend, I'm warning you Harry, leave him alone".

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