CH 27

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Zayn and I sped down the highway, weaving in and out of cars; I'd nearly forgotten the feeling of absolute freedom riding my motorcycle gave me. Harry had to work tonight and Eleanor was going shopping or something, so I had nothing to do.

I laughed as one of my crew who also had a motorbike, popped a wheelie in the middle of the lane and caused the car to his left to swerve into another lane; it became an unofficial rule of 1D to own a motorbike after I got mine and Zayn got his, and to see twentysome motorbikes heading the same direction like some kind of army was impressive I'll admit.

We turned towards the docks to one of the abandoned cargo warehouses that served as our unofficial headquarters outside of school. We fixed up the warehouse, which was actually owned by one of my crew's dad; inside was a pool table, a few couches, a table for beer pong and just other pieces of trash and furniture to make it a proper headquarters. The warehouse was locked so we didn't need to worry about anything being stolen.

We parked our bikes inside the warehouse and made our way to the middle of the building, one of my crew opened the couches and instead of a pull-out bed there was an ice chest inside. "Yuck, nothing worse than warm beer" One of crew said, pulling out one of the cans. "No one has been here for like a week Jack, ice doesn't last forever" another of my crew said grabbing a can for himself.

"Remember lads, you need to drive home so don't overdo it" I said taking a can for myself and opening it. "Ok mum" one of my crew said opening his can of beer. "I heard a rumor that if you smoke some grass it'll make you sober, I got some if anyone wants any" "I've never heard a bigger lie; you don't honestly believe that right? All that'll happen is that you'll be high and drunk" Zayn scoffed.

"Want one Louis?" one of my crew said holding out a joint "Nah mate thanks, though I could really go for a cigarette; I haven't had one in literally ages because he doesn't like the smell". "He, he who?" Zayn asked "I meant she, Elle" I quickly said. "Yeah, girls have a way of running things; except for when they're in the bedroom" another of my crew said chuckling, "Calvin, you're a dog mate" a third jumped in, Calvin pretended to think for amount "Maybe that's why I like doggie style."

Zayn handed me a cig and his plastic lighter as I shook my head at the shenanigans. I lit the cig and took a deep long drag, savoring the familiar feeling "Happy days" I sighed contently, blowing the smoke out my nose. Zayn nodded "Yeah, I haven't seen you smoke for a while, I thought you quit". "You want to play some pool?" I asked, already heading over to the table with my beer in one hand and my cig in the other.

"Do you know what's going on with Niall? He's been acting strangely, more so than Liam; why do we have such weird friends Louis" Zayn said around his cig as he took his turn at pool. "Niall thinks I'm raping Harry and Liam is...uhh...I don't know actually" I said lying, taking a sip of beer. Zayn laughed "You're a lot of things Louis, but a rapist isn't one of them". I watched as Zayn took another shot; I really, really wanted to do Liam a favor and do some snooping but I didn't know how without being super obvious.


It was fun hanging out with my crew and Zayn, but as the sun set they slowly trickled out; police liked to patrol the docks at night and with most of them buzzing or high they didn't want to get in trouble. Eventually it just became Zayn and I sitting on the couches, waiting for the alcohol to wear off so we can head back home, I've probably had more beer than I should have.

I pulled out my phone and saw I got a text from Harry; opening it up it was a dirty, naughty picture that clearly showed his erection, his butt and his flirty face with the caption "Wish you were here".

"What's that smile for? What did Elle send you?" Zayn said trying to look over my shoulder. "Nothing, nothing" I said, trying to put my phone back in my pocket but the alcohol made my hands fumble and I dropped my phone, screen up. "Louis? What...what?" Zayn said as he stared at the picture.

I tried to think of anything to say, but I couldn't, my mind was cloudy. "Is that...Harry?" Zayn said, looking closer at the picture after he picked up my phone "Louis what is going on?" I stuttered but really couldn't say anything; after a few moments Zayn held up a hand to silence me "Louis just answer me this; are you dating Harry is something?" Zayn's eyes went wide "Now it all makes sense! Why you're protecting him all of a sudden, why you're driving him to school!" Zayn was standing up by the end of his sentence.

I actually blinked away tears, I was so afraid; literally my worst fears were coming true at this moment and my smokescreen was gone. "What?! Are you crying?! Are you some type of queer?!" Zayn said loudly, on the verge of shouting. "Zayn, please don't...don't tell anyone" I begged.

Zayn rubbed his forehead "I'm...I can't believe...I need to go Louis, before I do or say something I regret" Zayn said as he dropped my phone and cracked the screen.

By Monday I would be ruined, Zayn would tell everyone about my secret and I would be the one being bullied and picked on. As sad as it sounds, I was so afraid that I actually felt tears roll down my cheeks.

I walked over and picked up my phone, running my thumb over the large cracks in the screen, thankfully though my phone still worked. I went over and picked my motorbike off the ground from where Zayn kicked it over in anger, ignoring the giant scuff marks on the right side of the bike; I picked up my helmet, started my bike and drove out of the docks.

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