Epilogue 2 - Final

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Louis POV

I sat on the bathroom floor, shirtless, facing the tub. Whenever I gave the boys a bath I would usually end up just as wet as they were; Oliver would splash, Tommy would squirm and Henry would want to be carried back to the room to get dressed instead of walk like his brothers.

I held Oliver still with one hand as I used the other to wash his little head "Thomas play with Henry for a bit" I said as Tommy tried to get Oliver to play with him using one of the bath toys that were floating around them. Thomas and Henry were already clean so Oliver was the last one; I've gotten good at washing them, I could have them lathered and rinsed in three minutes flat per child.

"Stay there Thomas" I said to Tommy after I wrapped him in a towel and placed him beside me on the bathroom mat "Let me get your brothers". As I turned back toward the tub I heard the pitter patter of little tiny feet scamper out of the bathroom "Harry we got a runner!" I called out. I heard Tommy squeal with laughter as Harry probably scooped him up.

I wrapped Henry and Oliver into towels as well before picking up Henry and walking into the boy's bedroom, little Ollie walking behind me. I walked into the room as Harry set Tommy down; Harry gave me a look and I sighed before nodding. "Come on boys let's get you dressed" Harry said to Henry and Ollie.

I squatted in front of Tommy as he stared at me with his big green eyes; I hated having to discipline so Harry usually did it but I've been trying to get better. It's not my fault the little lads just melt my heart.

"Tommy, I told you to stay next to me right?" I asked and little Tommy nodded. "Tommy when I or Daddy tell you something you need to listen alright?" I said which made Tommy's lower lip wobble. "Say sorry for not listening" I said. "No!" Tommy said defiantly, "no" was his absolute favorite word.

"Tommy you're not in trouble, just say sorry" I said, keenly aware of Harry watching us. "No!" Tommy said, louder. "Tommy I won't ask you again, just say sorry" I nearly begged, hoping I wouldn't have to follow through with a punishment. "No!" Tommy said again.

I stood up and took another small chair before putting it in the corner and facing the wall; picking up Tommy I sat him down in the chair and he immediately started crying. Time outs where only three minutes long but to our little one year old lads, they felt like three years.

I got up and left Tommy screaming in the chair, he was turned around and screamed harder as he watched me leave the room. "Good job, I'm so proud of you" Harry said as Henry and Oliver went to play in the sitting room. "Definitely the worst part about being a parent" I said with a heavy sigh.

Everything was forgotten ten minutes later as I rolled around on the floor with my three boys; we both looked to the front door as Niall and Greg came back from the store and we both stared as heard "I can't wait for a nap" a voice said from outside "Since I didn't get much sleep last night since you making love to Liam "quietly". "Matty look mate we're sorry alright, we thought you were asleep" we heard Liam say. "I was asleep, and it was incredibly rude to turn down my offer for a threesome just for the record" Matty said as he entered the house after Greg.

"Matty, guys, what are you doing here?" Harry gasped as Liam and Zayn followed soon after, carrying bags. "Word on the street was there was going to be a wedding tomorrow and I don't know about you but I love weddings so I just had to come" Matty said as Harry went over and hugged him. "I had no idea you guys were even coming" I said as Zayn put down their bags in the living room "Well since we couldn't come for your birthday or christmas or new years we figure we had to at come to your wedding".

"So what was all that about a threesome?" Niall asked as Zayn and Liam knelt in front of the lads and was making funny faces at them. "We had to spend in night in Las Vegas because of how flights were and they only had one room left" Zayn said as he picked up Oliver and kissed his little cheek; Oliver rubbed his face, since Zayn's beard made it itchy.

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