CH 25

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"Liam actually came out to you?" Harry asked on the drive to school the next day.  I nodded and squeezed his hand which was in my free one since I had my other on the steering wheel "I was thinking maybe you can talk to him? He mentioned that you gave him the courage to tell me".

Harry looked at me "Really? I've never really talked to him, not for any extended period of time at least...he always says hi to me in the corridors though when we bump into each other..." I looked sideways at Harry "Don't get any ideas Harry; you're mine". Harry chuckled and kissed the back of my hand "Don't worry Lou, I know where I belong".

"I have to be honest, I'm a little worried about today" Harry said as we turned into the student parking lot at school.  "It can't be any worse than how you've been treated the past few weeks has it?" I said as I pulled into my parking spot where most of my crew was already waiting. "Hey Loui-what is he doing here?" Zayn asked as Harry and I stepped out of my car. 

"He rolls with us now" I said simply, closing my car door. "What? Why?" one of crewmates asked "Because your mother told me to after I was done banging her last night, Clarke; any other questions?" "Louis he's different though, he's not like us" another protested. "You're not like us either Tom, you're the only one with eleven toes" I said before looking at Harry and bobbing my head to the direction of our first class.

As we walked away I heard Zayn say "Alright you sons of whores, you heard Louis; Harry rolls with us now, if anyone of you mess with him anymore you'll answer to me.  "Take-charge Louis is so hot ;)" the text on my phone said, I glanced at Harry and he bit his lower lip before giving a cheeky smile. 

"Harry, we have to go to class" I said breathlessly as Harry pulled his face from mine; he literally dragged me to this hidden spot underneath a staircase that I didn't even know existed.  "I used to like school" he whined as he picked up his backpack. 

"Mr Tomlinson; I was starting to think you finally dropped out of school" my music teacher said as I walked in behind Harry; to be honest I still didn't have a clue of what her name was.  "But then I wouldn't be able to see your smiling, beautiful, cheerful face anymore" I said as I sat.  "Indeed; anyway Mr Tomlinson you're in danger of failing my class so I've taken the liberty of signing you up for the school play Ms Kennedy is putting on, to pass my class you'll have to participate".

I shrugged, having absolutely no intention of being part of it; this class was an elective, even if I failed this class the only thing affected would be my GPA and nothing else, I would still graduate and everything on time.  The rest of the class went by uneventfully except for the fact that I caught Harry just staring at me more than once.  "I miss you already" Harry whispered as our class ended.

I went to my locker where Niall was waiting, clearly upset "Hey what's going on with you and Harry?" he accused.  "What do you mean?" I asked, slightly taken back by his anger.  "I just heard a rumor that you're using Harry for sexual favors and in exchange you've promised to leave him alone" Niall snapped and I just stared at him as he said "I can't believe you Louis; we've been friends for a long time and even though you might not always act like a saint, you're still a good person...or at least I thought you were".

" you don't understand...Harry and I...we..." I stuttered, this could all have been cleared up if I told him the truth but my mouth couldn't physically say it.  "Louis we've been through a lot together, but after this...I don't know if I can call myself your friend" he said before he turned and walked away.  I stood there dumbstruck after he left.


At lunch  I saw Harry come out of the math building and started making his way over to where me, my crew and Eleanor where sitting but he got incepted by Niall.  After talking for a second Niall draped his arm over Harry's shoulders and lead him away; as they walked away Harry looked over his shoulder to me with a confused look on his face. 

"Liam, what are you doing here?" I heard one of my crew ask "You never sit with us".  I looked over and was surprised to see Liam standing there who chuckled and said "Zayn and Louis are my friends too you know".   My crew member nodded and moved over to give him a place to sit, which happily meant that he would also be sitting next to Zayn. 

"Hey man I heard about Harry, it's nice that he's tutoring you and even better that you've decided to leave him alone" he said as sat down.  "Is that the rumor you heard?" I said, trying to figure out what was being said in the whispers in the corridors.  "Rumors are flying thick and fast Louis, its actually hilarious to listen to some of them" Zayn said through a mouthful of sandwich. 

"And what do you think about it?" I asked him, but Zayn just shrugged.  "So if someone in the crew would you deal with it?" Liam asked and I shot him a look which he ignored.  "I'd let Louis decide, this is his crew not mine" Zayn deflected. 

"You have to have an opinion through" Liam pressed.  "Louis has never steered One Direction wrong before" Zayn
deflected again.  Liam frowned but before he could say anything else Zayn turned to one of my crew and said "Asher, I heard you and your folks went to Nottingham over the weekend how was it?"


"Harry, hi, what are you doing here?" Eleanor said pleasantly even through Harry interrupted our kissing, she still had her arms wrapped around my neck.  "I...well you, know school's out so...just going to work" he said with a too-big smile.  "Yeah, have fun" Eleanor said turning back to me to resume the kiss.  "Ok umm...well...have fun I guess; I'll see you both tomorrow" Harry said.  I opened one my eyes slightly and looked at Harry "Pick me up tomorrow?" he mouthed slowly.  I adjusted my hands on Eleanor's back and flashed him a thumbs up.

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