CH 16

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I sat on my motorbike smoking a cigarette, watching the students leave school one by one. "Louis we'll see you tomorrow...feel better" Zayn and some of my crew said as they walked passed and I just nodded.

"Louis, what do you want?" Harry said, approaching me in the empty parking lot. I held out his phone "I'm sorry but this was the only way I could get you to talk to me". Harry took his phone "Louis you really hurt me". "I know baby but-" I started saying but Harry cut me off "No, don't call me that; you can't play with my emotions like this".

"Let me take you to dinner, just me and you; I know this great little place in Southampton" I said, holding out my spare motorbike helmet to him. "Louis...I think it's best if we just went our separate ways" Harry said with a sigh.

"Harry wait, I know I screwed up and I know I hurt you but I still like you" I pleaded. "I know Louis but you and I are just in different places in our lives" he said "Maybe in another life or another time we would have had something beautiful...but not today, not right now".

"Harry give me another chance, please" I said getting off my bike and standing right in front of him. "I've got to go Louis, it was fun while it lasted; whenever I go to the beach I'll think of you" Harry said as he kissed me on the cheek "Good bye Louis". "Wait at least let me take you home, please...please just don't go" I said as he walked away.

"Louis...Louis...Louis are you alright?" I turned over to see Liam standing at my bedroom door "Mate school starts in twenty minutes and you're still in bed?" "I had a rough night, didn't get any sleep" I said turning over to stare at my wall again.

"Mate if you get up and shower now we can still make it to our first class ten minutes late" Liam said, I felt the bed move as he sat on the edge. "I'm not going today...why are you here?" I asked not looking at him. "I'm really concerned about you Louis, and this morning when I didn't see your motorbike or your car in your parking space I decided to head over here".

"You should head back to school, I'm fine" I mumbled, but a second later I heard my tv turn on. "Liam what are you doing?" I asked, turning over to look at him. Liam was sitting on my bed with his shoes off, watching the telly.

"Just watching tv, day time shows suck; there is nothing good ever on" Liam said, flipping through the channels. "Why can't you just leave me alone, can't you tell I don't want you here? Go bother someone else! Just leave me alone! No one even likes you, you've been single since Danielle for a reason!" I shouted, lashing out, I immediately regretted saying it but I was a storm of emotions.

"I'm going to head downstairs and make some tea, do you want anything?" Liam said, standing up. "Look Liam, I'm sorry I said that" I said sitting up. Liam sighed "It's fine mate...I just wish I knew why you were acting like this; you're obviously in pain and it kills me that you're trying to shut me out, I can help".

"The water kettle is in the cupboard for your tea" I said, looking away from him "and the tea bags are in the pantry". Liam nodded and left my room and I fell back to my pillow. I heard the home phone ring and I went to answer it, but as I opened my mouth to speak I heard Liam say "Tomlinson residence". "Hello is this Sir Tomlinson?" I heard a female voice ask on the other end. "Yes this is" Liam said without hesitation.

"Sir Tomlinson I'm Miranda from the Royal London Academy of Arts, Maths and Sciences; this phone call to is make you aware that Louis has failed to show up for classes and it's starting to effect his marks, he missed an examination last Friday" she said. "What!?" Liam said, in shock and disgust "I shall have a very stern conversation with him, thank you for notifying me".

A few minutes later Liam came back into my room holding a tray with two steaming mugs and two sandwiches. "Thank you...for everything Liam" I said as I took a mug. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Liam asked before taking a bite of his sandwich. "Let's see if there is anything to watch on Netflix" I said turning on my Xbox; behind me I heard Liam sigh.

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