CH 15

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"Mate you alright? You look like you haven't slept in days" Zayn said as I took off my motorbike helmet. "I'm fine mate, why don't you worry about your life for once instead of mine" I snapped at him. Zayn instead of looking offended, just looked more concerned but didn't say anything else.

A classmate made the mistake of bumping into me, causing me to drop my bag. "Pick it up" I said turning to him. He stared me, confused; I shoved him to the ground "Pick it up!" I shouted at him. He handed me back my bag and I looked at everyone who was staring at me "What are you all looking at?" I said, causing them to scatter like chickens.

After that everyone gave me space, even Zayn walked a little behind me instead of beside me like usual. I walked into my music class and I noticed that Harry sat one seat over from his usual seat so someone would be sitting between us. I sat in my seat and Harry pretended to ignore my existence.

"Hey Louis we missed you yesterday; where were you, what where you doing?" a girl asked, smiling at me. "I was doing your mom" I said not looking at her, opening my notebook.

"Ok class listen up; Ms Kennedy from the drama class has an important announcement". All the guys in class sat straighter and some even ran their fingers though their hair to fix it quickly. Ms Kennedy was the new drama teacher and last year she was voted "Most Popular Teacher" in the both the male and female category, and one look at her told why. I didn't even look up as she walked in.

"The drama class is going to put on a performance this winter, it's going to be an adaptation of the story "Beauty and the Beast" however it's going to take place in modern times" Ms Kennedy announced. The music teacher spoke up "As this is a music class, extra credit will be given to any and all students that submit a musical piece for this play, as well as extra credit for performing in the play...some of you really need like you Mr. Tomlinson, since you missed that test last Friday".

I ignored the teacher and Ms Kennedy spoke again "Auditions will be in a couple of weeks, if you have any song ideas I'm writing the script now; so please give it to me before auditions starts!" "Everyone please come to up the front of the class and get a paper, it will give you instructions of how to give Ms Kennedy your music if you're interested" the music teacher said.

As everyone stood up to go to the front of class I scribbled a quick note "I have your phone, if you want it back meet me after school at the parking lot, L.T." I casually went over to Harry's desk and stole his phone that was laying on his desk, leaving the note where his phone used to be.

As I went back to my desk I put the phone in my pocket "Mr. Tomlinson, I wouldn't pass up this extra credit opportunity" the music teacher said, seeing me at my desk. As I walked back to my desk with the paper in hand I saw that Harry was giving me a death glare and I just smirked at him.


"How you feeling today Tommo; I heard you went mental on a kid this morning" Liam asked but I wasn't listening, I was trying to figure out how to open Harry's phone. "Uh-huh, yeah" I said, Harry had an android and I've only ever used iPhones. It was protected by a passcode, it was five digits long but "Harry/42779" wasn't the code.

"Liam if had to choose a passcode for your phone, what would you choose?" I asked, looking at him. "Ok fine, ignore your concerned friend by deflecting as usual" Liam said crossing his arms "But to answer your question it would be something only I would know".

I looked down at the phone again and pressed 56847 which would spell Louis. I stared at Harry's phone as it unlocked and his home screen showed one of his heart drawings with H.S+L.T written inside the heart.

"That's a huge smile Tommo, are you looking at naughty things?" Liam said, trying to look over my shoulder. "Just a pic of your mom, c'mon we're going to be late for English" I said as I slid the phone back in my pocket.

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