CH 41

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Two weeks have passed since Harry came back to London and started living with me; they've been the best two weeks of my life. To go to sleep holding him and to wake up next to him, I was in paradise. Harry really made my house a home, he forced us to go grocery shopping and instead of going out to eat all the time like I used too, we started eating at home a lot more. Since it was now December he also bought little Christmas decorations that he placed around the house and a wreath for the front door.

Harry insisted on doing most of the household chores, claiming that he needed to repay me some how since he wasn't paying rent or anything. He was actually disappointed when I explained that my family had a cleaning person that picked up the house and did laundry when I was at school so instead Harry cooked all of our meals by himself and did the dishes.

Tonight though I was cooking, all by myself. Harry was with our friends at the mall trying to find him a formal suit since the winter formal dance was later tonight; we didn't really have a name for it but Americans call it a "Prom". I already had several suits because my dad forced me to buy some so while he was shopping I was trying to wasn't going well.

I first tried to cook some pancakes but they ended up looking like baby vomit so I threw them out; now I was squatting in front of the fridge trying to think of something else to cook. It was tough though, Harry has had some really strange food cravings the last couple of days; yesterday we drove all the way to Brighton for dinner because Harry wanted Spanish food for some reason.

I finally just gave up and pulled out everything we had: chicken, mozzarella cheese, parma ham and potatoes. I drummed my fingers on the kitchen counter, trying to decide how to prepare this random assortment of food before finally getting an idea.

Luckily I finished cooking just as Harry and my friends walked in, Zayn was teasing Harry who was drinking something from a starbucks cup "Harry you can't order a mocha and a vanilla latte together! They don't mix! Why not just order orange juice and milk next time?" Zayn and Harry have actually become good friends since Harry came back; where before Zayn would ignore Harry, he now brought him into conversations and talked with him, even at school.

Zayn turned to me "You should have seen your boyfriend Louis, when he placed his order the barista looked at him like he was insane and on top of that Harry ordered like four different pastries". Liam grunted as he walked into my house carrying like five things "Oh sure, I'll just carry everything by myself" he whined. Niall walked in and took the smallest item Liam had, a shoebox, "Here Liam I'll help" he said as he walked with the box and set it down in the living room.

"I'm starving; what's that smell?" Harry asked, nose in the air like a puppy. Niall chuckled "Geez, I'm not even hungry after stopping for lunch; we only ate like twenty minutes ago". Harry walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist "What are you cooking?" he asked. "Chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham, with a side of homemade mashed potatoes" I replied as I added a little more pepper to the mashed potatoes.

"It looks good" Harry whispered into my ear "Can I have you for dessert? Maybe a blowjob?" he said before kissing the back and side of my neck. "I'd love it if you'd just wait" I whispered back, since our friends we were still the room with us, thankfully they didn't seem to hear us as Zayn and Liam were starting to bicker whether to take Liam's car to the dance or Zayn's motorcycle. Niall was going too but he was going stag, by himself, since the one girl that he asked to go with to the dance very rudely turned him down.

"We can take my car, it's smaller than Liam's" Niall offered. I turned to my friends after Harry let go of me to steal some of the mashed potatoes "We don't need to take cars, I've rented us a limo". A strange choking, gasping sound sounded from my behind me and I turned to see Harry just staring at me "You got us a limo?" I chuckled after realizing that Harry wasn't dying "Of course, you mentioned once that you've never ridden in one before" Harry gave me a large smile and kissed me in thanks.

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