CH 30

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 "I don't want to go home yet' Niall said from the backseat of Liam's car, he got a ride to the cafe so he needed one home. "Let's just hang for a while then" Liam said glancing at Niall through his rear view mirror "Unless Harry needs to be somewhere or something?" he asked me, indirectly. "I'm fine, we should do Louis a favor and get him a new phone" I said, taking his cracked phone out of his pocket. 

"Why do you have Louis's phone?" Niall asked "He left it at my house last night" I replied "...Why was he at your house last night? 1D usually goes down to the docks and parties on fridays" Niall asked. "He came to my house when he was drunk, after partying with 1D" I answered. Liam looked at me and he didn't even need to ask "Because he was worried about something alright?" I snapped, feeling flustered at the interrogation, it would have been so much easier to tell the truth but I knew Louis wouldn't want me too, least of all right now. How could Louis live like this every single day?   

"So Harry have you thought about who you're going to take to the dance? It's coming closer everyday" Liam asked, thankfully changing the subject. "Nah I'm probably not going, dances aren't really my the person I want to go with probably won't want too". Liam nodded "Yeah I know the feeling..." Niall scoffed "Pfftt, I'm going by myself; screw everyone else I want the free food". Liam rolled his eyes "You would Nialler". 

 We went to a shopping center outside of London; Louis and I have been there a couple of times on dates since it was fairly far from everyone else, Niall wanted to come because apparently they sold some high quality sports gear or something that the footie team needed. "Let's go to the Apple store first, it's right here then we'll swing by that store Niall wants to go too" Liam said as he parked his car and we all got out.

The three of us starting talking about school, classes, our classmates; it was nice how easily both Niall and Liam accepted me. I didn't feel like a third wheel or an outsider with them; of course they had some inside jokes but they would always explain them to me, even if they weren't that funny.  

"You know what we should do? We should bring Harry into this year and get him an iPhone also" Niall said as we walked into the apple store. "Are you making fun of my Android Niall?" I asked, teasingly. "If you're gonna start hanging with us you're going to need one" he answered, ignoring my mock annoyance. "That's a great idea Niall, we can get Harry one of those prepaid plans" Liam said, nodding.  


"You really, really don't need to do this" I said for the umpteenth time as Liam handed me my new black iPhone; he and Niall went halfers on my plan, enough credit to use the phone for about two years based on my current phone usage; both them shrugged me off as they handed the clerk their credit cards.    

"Corn dogs!" Niall said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward the small stand after leaving the Apple store, "Niall we just ate like an hour ago!" Liam said, following us. "Three please" Niall said to the clerk "And a side of jalapenos", "And some hot sauce" Liam jumped in.

The clerk nodded and started making the corn dogs "So where is your boyfriend? Is he ok? I haven't seen you guys lately" he asked right to me, trying to be friendly; my blood turned to ice though as he went on "I remember you guys since he always gives me a large tip...he has a french name right...what was it...Louis?". Niall and Liam both turned and stared at me as I tried to think of anything to say. When I didn't say anything, the clerk took it as a bad sign "Oh did you guys break up or something? I'm sorry to hear that, I'll tell you what buddy; you can have these corn dogs for free".

  Niall and Liam stared at me as we found a table and ate; both of them wanting an explanation but didn't know how to ask it. "Harry...What's going on with you and Louis" Niall finally asked "I don't understand". 

I sighed "You can't tell anyone, promise me...Louis and I have been in a secret relationship..." I told them everything, about Louis and I's secret meetings, about his fear, our plan with Eleanor, everything...except for the incident with Zayn, the last thing I wanted to do was turn friends against each other, to become a Yoko Ono.  

They were both silent the entire time and when I finished Niall threw up his hands and jokingly said "So now, suddenly everyone is gay: you, Louis, Liam; are dicks so great that suddenly everyone wants one?" "Hey, don't knock it til you try it" I said, ecstatic that both Niall and Liam were taking the news well.

"Everything makes sense now" Liam said, finally speaking up "...I just wish that Louis would have told us's kind of sad that he doesn't trust us...especially after I told him about my sexuality" Niall nodded "I'm curious to see how long it'll take him to tell us, we gotta act surprised though when he finally does".    

"Thanks guys" I said, smiling "Louis is lucky to have friends like you". "Friend's like us Harry, you're one of us now" Liam said, Niall nodded "After this let's go to Louis's house; I've been a right arse to him recently and I want to apologize".


"Remember Niall we can't act any differently" Liam said as we walked up to Louis's house, Niall nodded and Liam opened the door without knocking "Louis I'm home". "I'm here too" Niall said "And we brought a friend". Louis came down the stairs and gave me a polite nod, the same way he always greeted me when people were around. "I brought food" Niall said, walking passed Louis to placing a pizza box on the counter.    

"Zayn isn't with you guys?' Louis asked, pretending not to care. "Nah he didn't answer his phone, oh, Harry got you a surprise" Liam said. I walked to Louis and placed the iPhone box in his hands "Your screen was cracked" I said.

"Harry...what? Harry you can't afford this...not that I would know or anything" he said, holding his new phone; Liam and Niall shared a knowing look behind Louis's back, Louis pretended to inspect it but he leaned forward slightly and whispered "Thank you, Love.  

"Ok so what's on Netflix?" Liam said as he picked a seat on the sofa. Louis grabbed a slice and sat next to Liam, I sat at the only free-spot beside Niall; Louis tried to hide a frown as Niall draped his arm over and pulled me into his shoulder, shifting in my seat I used Niall as a back rest.    

  The movie was only background noise as Niall apologized to Louis and patched things up; afterwards the four of us sat around talking, joking; Louis kept shooting Niall not-so-subtle daggers though since he still had his arm around me.   

  After a long, long while Liam started yawning "Cmon guys lets go home or I'll be too tired to drive; and I don't trust any I of you with my car". "I'll see you later Louis" I said standing up. "It's a long way to your part of town" Niall said as we left "You can crash at my house Harry" Niall said as he emptied his cup of soda and followed us out; behind us Louis snorted and gave a short "See you later".  

"Niall why did you torture Louis all night?" Liam said as we drove away. "It's funny to watch him squirm, what do you say Harry; you think Narry should be a thing?" "What's Narry?" I asked, Liam sighed "Niall makes these stupid nicknames for all of us".

"They're not stupid! All cool groups have a cool name! Like Liam and and I are Niam, Louis and I are Nouis and I've just decided that you and me are Narry". "Notice how his name starts all of the pairings" Liam snickered "Except for Ziall, he and Zayn; believe me he tried all sorts of names that started with N but Zayn refused them all".

"So what you doing tomorrow?" Niall asked, ignoring Liam. "I work tomorrow" I answered. "Still? Why? How much trouble did you get in?" Liam asked, confused. "...What?" I asked, looking at him. "The only time I work is for punishment" he said, and Niall nodded in agreement before continuing "And let me tell you, working under my dad...I don't get in trouble very often" Niall scoffed "My mom is waaay worse than your dad".

"I work to help my mom pay the bills..." I answered softly, highly embarrassed. "Oh...sorry" Niall said, not knowing what to say; thankfully we arrived at my house to the conversation was dropped. "We'll see you around, don't be a stranger" Liam said as I got out, trying to make it less awkward.   

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