CH 36

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Matty's POV

I sat in my pj's Saturday morning playing some more video games when I got an in-game message from Irishlad93 "Want to play a few games? 3v3?" "Sure" I typed back and got invited to a group with him and PayneTrain. "Hey Matty" they both greeted me as I joined their group.

We played a few games together until I heard a phone ring in the background in the voice chat "Oh, Louis is calling me, one sec" Liam said and muted his mic. Wait, Louis? I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Harry but I didn't want to make mention Louis directly; Harry was slightly emotionally unstable from last night.

When I picked up he was on the verge of crying; I was terrified that Josh did something to Harry but Harry was just emotional over Louis. To be totally honest I had no idea what Harry was going through, I'd never been in love; I went on dates, slept with them if the date went well and then just moved on to the next person. My longest string lasted four dates before I cut it off when she started talking about feelings.

It was by choice, the world was a buffet; why eat the same fish and chips when you can have a new meal every week? Even though I didn't know what Harry was going through he was still my friend and I wanted to help him.

"Hey Harry I'm thinking of getting a dog, what do you think of the name Liam or Niall?" I texted him. Harry's response was quick "Those are the names of Louis's friends along with Zayn. I remember one time with Liam and Niall we were- " I didn't read the rest of the long text Harry sent me; the same names were too much of a coincidence.

"So Niall" I asked the other guy who was chewing some crisps in my ear "Where did you say you lived again?" Niall swallowed "I grew up in Mullingar, Ireland, but came out here to London for school". "Must have been a good school for you too move" I casually said. "Yeah, the Academy is one of the best schools...or so my mom says" he said.

"Hey I'm back" Liam said un-muting his mic "Niall, Zayn and Louis are going out to breakfast; want to go?" There was no doubt about it, somehow defying all odds, these guys were Louis's friends. "Yeah sure Liam, just let me shower and get dressed" Niall said. "Hey guys, wait" I said, quickly "Do you guys know Harry Styles?"

The other two guys went completely quiet for so long that I thought we disconnected "How do you know that name?" Liam finally asked. "Harry is my friend...Louis was his boyfriend right?" I asked. "Yeah, but Harry got mad at Louis or something and just vanished" Niall said.

"I idea what to say right now. Harry destroyed Louis and you say he's your friend?" Liam said in an angry voice and Niall grunted in agreement. "Harry misses Louis like crazy...He's been crazy depressed ever since he came here" I explained. "We'll maybe he shouldn't have screwed Louis over like that" Liam spat "Louis is a great guy and Harry was a right arse!"

Wait, did these two guys not know about what Zayn did to Harry?

"Guys is what really happened" I said before starting the story, telling both of them everything Harry told me. After I was finished Niall said "We have to bring them back together, pure and simple. Zayn can suck it up if he has an issue with it." "I can't believe Zayn would do something like that" Liam said softly "Just because they were in a relationship".

"Really? You can't? Liam this is Zayn we're talking about, I'm not even surprised" Niall scoffed "Yeah, I guess" Liam said in a voice slightly above a whisper. Niall sighed and his voice got muffled as if he was covering his face "We can't just tell Louis where Harry is, we don't know how Zayn will react...we need a plan; a way to corner Zayn and finally get him to back off from those two".

Liam spoke up again, in his whisper voice "I can talk to's a talk I've been wanting to have with him for a long, long time". "Liam are you alright?" I asked, he sounded like he was on the verge of crying. "Yeah mate" he said clearing his throat "I've just realized something, but don't worry about it...I'll head over there now...see you guys around".

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