CH 21

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"You got this, you're Louis William Tomlinson" I said to myself as I checked my teeth and made sure my hair was perfect using the rear view mirror in my car. "Ok, you're going to go in there study for like three minutes and then get Harry back; don't screw anything up Lou".

"Louis" Harry greeted me, opened the door and stepping aside so I can enter. I liked Harry's home even if it could all fit inside my house; it was small, warm and cozy. "C'mon let's get started". Harry said closing the door and walking into his bedroom. His room was tidier than last time and this time there was no notebook on his desk.

Harry made me sit at his desk as he sat on the bed. "Ok LouLou- I mean Louis open to chapter four we'll start with what we learned last week and then move backwards" Harry said opening his book. I opened my book, sad that Harry was forcing me to sit so far from him; sad but not defeated, I was still inside his house after all. I wasn't even listening to what Harry was saying, I was trying to make a plan so I could get on that bed next to him.

"I'm going to get a snack, do you want anything? Biscuit? Tea? Sandwich?" Harry said about half an hour into tutoring. "No thanks" I said closing my book. Harry nodded before walking out of the room, I've been eyeing Harry's backpack since I walked in and now I finally had a chance to look though his notebook. I stood up and walked over to his bag, my hand on the zipper.

Louis what are you doing? Are you seriously going to start creeping on Harry? I needed to find his notebook, what if he doesn't like me anymore? Louis he invited you to his house! Don't screw this up, this might be your last chance!

"Do you need any help?" I asked, walking into the kitchen and away from the tempting backpack. Harry shook his head even though his back was to me. It would be so easy to circle my arms around his waist, and place soft kisses on the back of his neck. "Louis, I want to talk to you" Harry said turning around with a cup of tea in his hands. "What about Harry?" I said, leaning against his counter.

Harry was quite for a moment, stirring his tea "So, you have a girlfriend now" Harry finally said. "Yeah, she's really cool" I said truthfully, she was...from what I knew about her. "How long have you guys known each other?" Harry said, taking a sip of tea. "Not long actually, only a few weeks, I've actually known you longer; Zayn introduced us at a party" I answered, curious to why we were talking about this; but Harry didn't say anything else, he just nodded and said "Come on let's get back to studying".

About ten minutes into studying Harry suddenly looked at me "What do you see in her?" he said angrily, almost like an accusation. I blinked at Harry, still thinking he was talking about the musician Bach "What?" "Eleanor! What do you see in Eleanor that deserves your attention?" Harry said, snapping his book shut.

I was caught off-guard by his question and tone of voice "I don't know, she's nice and stuff" I said; before I could process what happened Harry blind-sided me again "And what was that with Danny yesterday?" Without even thinking I said "I didn't like how he was touching you".

I wanted to rewind time as soon as the words tumbled out from my lips. "Excuse me? Who do you think you are?!" Harry said, standing up "No, as soon as you got a girlfriend you were no longer able to..." Harry didn't finish his sentence, instead he turned his back to me and said "Louis I think it's time for you to leave". "Harry, look I'm sorry; I know what I did to Danny wasn't nice or fair but...I don't know I just got insanely jealous" I tried explaining.

"You had nothing to be jealous over Louis, Danny was just trying to be a friend; he knows what I go through every single day and it's nice to find someone to talk too" Harry shot back "And I bet somehow you're the cause of him ignoring me all day today". I didn't say anything and Harry put down his cup of tea "You're not allowed to double dip Louis, you can't act like my jealous boyfriend while you have a girlfriend!"

I finally got fed up, I already said sorry and he wasn't accepting it "You know what, maybe I should leave, I didn't come here to fight with you Harry! I'm sick and tired of fighting; and for your information I wouldn't even have a girlfriend if it wasn't for you!" I shouted the end of my rant as I grabbed all of my things from his bedroom.

"Louis, wait, wait!" Harry said running outside, holding something in his hands. I ignored him as I started my car engine and slammed my foot on the gas, causing my wheels to spin and screech; I literally left him behind in the dust.

At a red light I rubbed my face in frustration and anger; I wasn't even mad at Harry, he had every right to feel the way he did, I was mad at myself. I screwed everything up, literally everything was my fault and I knew it; every time I did anything I was just pushing Harry further and further way. The car behind me honked when I didn't go as the light turned green and I stuck up my middle finger at him, even though I knew he couldn't see it because of my tinted windows.

When I got home I just dropped my backpack on the sofa, I should give Niall a call; a game of football sounds awesome right now, I could pretend the football was my face. The clock said eight ten, plenty of time for a quick game. I patted down my pockets but all I felt was my wallet, opening my backpack and turning it upside down, I sighed and turned to bang my head on the wall repeatedly.

I forgot my phone at Harry's house. Perfect end to the best day ever.

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