CH 39

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Niall's POV

"You can't just decide something for someone else" Zayn was saying "Trust me mate, it's not always right". Matty crossed his arms "I'm not your mate, mate; in fact I don't even like you, not after what you did to my friend".

"Look Matty just let us talk to Harry yeah? We'll explain everything to him and then go from there" Liam said diplomatically. "You aren't any better than Zayn is, Liam, you allowed your friend to screw over Harry, why should I trust you? No, I'm sorry you guys drove all the way here but I think it's time you should leave". We walked out to the car, defeated, what else could we do?

"We can't just turn around and head home, we knew this wouldn't be easy, let's just grab a hotel room and crash here for the night" Liam said "And at the hotel we'll think of a plan". Zayn shrugged "Sounds good to me, I'm out of ideas". I sat back in my seat and sighed, my parents would kill me if I stayed overnight in a town halfway across England.

"Let's get something to eat and then look for a hotel I guess" Zayn said as he started the car again. "I'll look for a place to eat" Liam offering before pulling out his phone. I pulled out mine too, checking my facebook real quick; as I was scrolling through my feed I got an idea. Harry's profile wasn't private which means that I could still see it, even if he unfriended me right?

I checked Harry's profile, he just posted a picture of the sunset over a river. "Liam is there a river is Holmes Chapel?" I asked. "Let's ask google" he said and then was silent for a moment "Yeah, the river Dane, why?" I showed him my phone "I found Harry".


We found Harry sitting by himself on a bench watching the sun sink below the horizon. "Who should go talk to him? "Zayn asked, since we were still in the car "It probably shouldn't be me. "I'll go, Narry was so strong" I said unbuckling my seatbelt, Zayn rolled his eyes "Again with those stupid names".

I ignored him as I got out of Liam's car and walked over to where Harry was sitting "Hey handsome, you come here often?" I said as I sat down. Harry stared at me for a long moment before finally saying "Niall? What the hell are you doing here?" "I'm here to bring you home" I said simply before crossing my legs and admiring the view "This is a nice spot, a nice quiet place to watch the sunset".

"What do you mean bring me home? I am home, I grew up here" he said. "Home is where the heart is, as the saying goes...where is your home Harry?" I asked. Harry looked out over the river but didn't answer so I went on "If I had to guess...I'd guess that your home isn't a place anymore, it's a person". Harry sighed "Maybe Niall, but I can't go "home" because...I just can't". I looked over at him "You're talking about Zayn aren't you?" when he nodded and waved to my friends who were still sitting in the car.

When Harry saw Zayn he tensed up "Harry...I'm really, really sorry for the way I behaved...if you and Louis want to be together, I won't stop you anymore" Zayn said. "It was Zayn's idea to come get you" Liam said, when Harry still looked unsure; Zayn reached for Liam's hand and intertwined their fingers together before he said "I understand now Harry".

Harry stood up "Ok fine, let's say I do go back to London, where would I live? Where would I go to school? My mom used all of our money to come back here after she got fired, there is no way we'd be able to go back to London". "I can get you enrolled back into the Academy" Zayn offered "And you can stay with me, it'll be an awesome sleepover...and maybe you can give me some tips about how to have a boyfriend".

Harry walked three steps away from us "I don't know; I've been hurt so many times now...I just don't know if it's worth it anymore". Liam smiled "Harry you just need to listen to your heart, you gotta follow your heart even though you know it will break sometimes". Harry was quiet for a long time just staring at the river.


"Harry you'll be so far away...I just don't know" Harry's mom said. After convincing Harry we ended up at his house, to try to talk his mom into letting Harry move across England.

"Mrs Styles, the Academy is one of the best schools; if you're worried that he'll be all alone, he'll have us" Liam said. Zayn nodded "His scholarship will be reinstated and since he is an out of town student he'll have the opportunity to live in the dormitories" I looked at him but didn't say anything, the Academy didn't have dorms; wow Zayn was actually trying to help Louis and Harry, he was lying for them.

"I didn't know the Academy had on-campus housing" Harry's mom said. Liam nodded and followed Zayn's lead "Oh yeah, they're very nice but they're only offered to non-residential students of the Academy. Since you and Harry lived in London while he attended that's probably why you weren't aware of them".

Harry mom's sat back in her chair and took a sip of her wine "I felt incredibly bad for taking Harry away from that school...if he can live on campus then I'm ok with it. Harry it's your choice" his mom said looking at him.


"You made the right choice" I said smiling at him and placing a friendly hand on his knee. Harry turned to me from staring out the window of the car as we drove back to London "Thanks Niall". "Harry where do you want to go? If you want to you can stay at my house for a while" Zayn said from the driver's seat. Harry smiled "I think I'd rather go home". Zayn nodded "Then we'll drop you off at Louis's house". Liam turned to look at Zayn "I just hope Eleanor isn't there". "Let's worry about that later, I'm starving" I said "We never had dinner". 

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