CH 45

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Louis's POV

Three months have passed and Harry's baby bump was growing every day, since he was now four months pregnant; I couldn't be happier.  It wasn't big or obvious, in fact it just looked like Harry gained a few pounds but we both knew better; he started wearing baggy shirts to hide it.

Harry himself also started to change slightly: he ate like a starving whale, he got mood swings and he was tired all the time, thankfully his morning sickness went away a couple of weeks ago.

We still didn't tell our friends about his pregnancy but they started to notice Harry's weight gain so they teased him about it, blaming it on all the food Harry ate.  They stopped though when Harry broke down and started crying in the middle of a cafe where we were having lunch last week.  Harry got more and more self-conscious about his body the bigger he got and now that he was hormonal it was just that much worse. 

Harry saw himself as a freak and I got rid of all of the full length mirrors in the house so Harry wouldn't have to look at his tummy.  The only time Harry would look at his tummy was when I placed my head or hands on it; other than that he preferred not to look at it.  He loved the child inside but hated himself because he was a "freak", it was a very strange dynamic.

My grades though improved significantly; I was now getting straight A's in all my classes since I would spend most of my evenings studying with Harry now instead of running around with my crew like I used too. I was even doing my own homework now and everything.  I didn't even have to work in the school play to pass my music class anymore!

Last week I've also, officially, quit smoking; it's been eight days since my last cigarette.  I've been trying for months to quit and now I've finally kicked the habit. Overall we were a happy family, maybe that was the reason I never told Harry about the fight my parents and I had.  I tried to tell him many times but something always got in the way; I should just tell him today, it'll be worse the longer I wait. 

"So do you want a boy or a girl?" Harry asked as we sat in the bathtub together; his back was to my chest and we were just sitting in the warm water. I placed my hands on his tummy "I'd love a girl if I'm being honest, but if it's happy and healthy then I don't care".  Harry chuckled "Why a girl?" I kissed the side of his neck "Because I want a reason to buy those adorable little dresses and the tiny little headbands with the bows we've been looking at".

Harry chuckled again "Oh my god, if it's a girl you're gonna spoil her rotten aren't you? She's going to walk all over you and you're going to let her".  "I haven't spoiled you rotten, have I?" I teased as I kissed the side of his neck again.  "You've tried your best" Harry said, arching his neck so I had complete access.

"How long have we been in here? The water's turning cold again" Harry said, grabbing the shampoo and giving it to me "Let's actually take a bath, we still have our maths homework to do".

"I love how long your hair is now" I said as I rubbed shampoo in it, it was almost touching his shoulders. "Yeah? To be honest I was thinking of cutting it soon" Harry said as I rinsed the shampoo out "but if you like it, I'll keep it"

"Listen, Harry" I said as we both walked into my room to get dressed, I had to do it now since he seemed relaxed "I have you tell you something".  "What?" he said, turning to look at me after putting on a robe. I pulled him onto the bed and we both laid on our sides, facing each other "Harry please don't be upset...but my parents don't approve of the baby..."

Harry listened as I told him about the fight my parents and I had, and at the end he was sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at the floor. "Harry don't worry, I have enough money to last us a while; I'm over eighteen, my parents can't close my accounts anymore.  We'll make this work Harry; I wasn't planning on going to college anyway".

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