CH 2

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I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked completely ridiculous in my school uniform; with the brown khakis, blue jacket, red tie and white shirt, I prefer my leather jackets and faded jeans to be honest. Heading downstairs I picked up a note on the kitchen counter as I fixed myself a bowl of cereal; my parents were almost never home so we communicated though notes, I was by myself so often that I might as well lived alone.Both of my parents worked in government, doing what exactly I never cared to ask. It sometimes got a little lonely however, being the only one here; I didn't have any siblings or anything.

I sat on the kitchen counter eating my cereal as Zayn entered my house "Ready to go Louis?" Zayn said holding his helmet under his arm and already wearing his riding jacket. I nodded and put my bowl in the sink "Let's ride" I said taking my riding jacket, helmet and sunglasses off the coat rack near the door.

Zayn and I slid into a parking spot right in front of the school, cutting off someone who was already halfway into the spot. The driver honked at us and after we took off our helmets and looked at him the driver just reversed out and went to go look for a new spot.

"Who did that guy think he was? Honking at us like that, he must have had a death wish" Zayn said as he pulled out his lighter and lit my morning cigarette for me "People always forget over vacation who we are" Zayn finished. "You'll just have to remind them" I said around my cig as I took a drag, Zayn smile widely "Happy too, boss". "Hey guys are you excited for classes?" Liam said walking towards us from his car. "Overjoyed" I said sarcastically around my cig as Zayn and Liam shook hands.

"Well, shall we?" Liam said as he walked toward the school and Zayn had to push me forward. "Hey Louis!" "Hi Louis!" "Hey Tomlinson!" "1D!" "Have a nice break Louis?" "Enjoy yourself over the break Louis?" My classmates all said as I walked down the halls, I simply nodded at each of them instead of answering or else I would never get anywhere.

"Here's your assignments for today Louis, summer reading and all that" The guy waiting by my locker said as I walked up to him. Grabbing the papers from him I shuffled though them quickly to make sure they were all filled out. "Thanks" I said simply as I put the papers in my folder "Happy to help" he said as he walked away, I had no idea what his name was but he has been doing my homework for the past three years in exchange for protection against bullies and smaller crews.

"Have you ever done any of your homework yourself?" Liam asked as he opened his locker that was beside mine. I chuckled "Of course I did, three years ago there was two days where I had to do it myself because my old guy transferred schools, I actually had to talk to the Headmaster because my teachers thought I was cheating, ironic right?" Zayn laughed "So what's your first class today?" I looked at my schedule that I had in my pocket "Music". "Lucky, I have chemistry, nothing like starting the day with a thinker class" Zayn sighed. Liam nodded "Yeah I got history, so I'll see you all at break?" we nodded and went our separate ways.

"Hey Louis, have a good break?" this girl said sitting herself on my desk and sitting in such a way that exposed her legs. Girls had to wear uniforms as well as the guys, but theirs were blue skirts that went to knee height and these white button down tops. "Yeah it was alright" I said not looking up from my phone; the girl nearly hit my nose with her knee in an attempt to get me to look at her.

"Mr. Tomlinson no sunglasses indoors, and take off that leather jack; that's not part of your uniform" the music teacher said entering the class. "Now students in this class we will discuss the wonders of music, how a melody can make us smile and make us cry; but first I want to introduce a new student, everyone give a warm Royal London Academy welcome to Harry Styles!"

The guy from the bakery came walking in with that shy smile that showed his dimples and I looked out the window. "Harry there is an empty seat right there besides Mr. Tomlinson, please take a seat"


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