CH 47

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I sat with Liam, Niall and Zayn at our graduation ceremony; I kept looking over my shoulder, not towards the stands were the families of my classmates were seated, but to the roof of the main school building where I could see Harry standing by himself, leaning against the wall of the building.  Harry was graduating as well but didn't want to attend the ceremony since he couldn't hide his baby bump any longer.

My music teacher went to the microphone "This year, I had a student that showed massive improvement; he showed up late to class on a regular basis and got a D average for the first half of the year or so but now he's in the top five students in our prestigious academy, please welcome to the stage, Louis Tomlinson".  Everyone turned to look at me, confused, even my friends didn't know what was going on. 

I stood up and walked to the podium, scanning the crowd before my eyes rested at Harry; he gave a confused smile and I took a deep breath "So this is the last time I'm going to be here and I have to say: I'm not gonna miss it" I joked and got scattered chuckles in agreement from my classmates. 

"School is about learning, that's obvious, but we don't just learn science or maths or literature at school; we also learn about ourselves.  While I was at this school I learned who my real friends are but most of all, I learned about myself" I said as I scanned the crowd before looking at Harry again.

"We feel so much pressure to fit in, so much pressure to be cool, so much pressure to be "normal", even I felt like this even though I was surrounded by friends and-" one of my crew cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted "1D!" I waited for the applause to die before I started talking again "Even though I was surrounded by friends I could myself".  Zayn sat straighter in his chair and on the roof Harry leaned forward, putting his hands on the low wall. 

I sighed "For those of you that feel the same way I can tell you one thing: it gets better. Maybe it won't get better tomorrow or the next day, but it will.  If you ever feel like you're not good enough, or if you feel like if you spoke your mind, that the words would be too're not alone. Everyone has felt like that, even me, which some of you would say that I was the most confident person at this school, but I wasn't".

I smiled at Harry "And then one day, everything changed; someone walked into my life and that person me taught me how to accept myself, and how to stand on my own two feet.  They taught me how to be someone, in a sense.  You will find someone like that too, someone that will destroy all the fears and insecurities you have; at the same time, someone is waiting for you to do the same".  I looked back down at my classmates "That person is giving me the courage to do this" I took a deep breath "I'm gay, and I'm in love with Harry Styles". 


"I can't believe you did that!" Zayn said back at my house "But I can't believe how many people were in the closet too! Even inside our own crew!" Harry placed his hand in mine "I'm so proud of you, Chop Suey".  "Yeah mate, good on you" Niall said as he flipped through the tv channels.

"You guys don't have to stay; I know there are lots of parties happening tonight, you should go to some" Harry said as Zayn sat down next to Liam.  I rolled my eyes as Zayn jumped up "Thanks so much!" he said as he pulled Liam out of the house.

"You too, shoo, shoo" Harry said to me "You still owe me for Christmas. Niall take Louis out to a party and don't bring him home until he's proper drunk".  "Harry I'd rather just stay with you-" I started to say but Harry pointed to the door "Out, go have fun Louis". I kissed him on the cheek "Fine, have it your way; please make sure you call me if you need anything though ok?" Harry nodded and I followed Niall out.

Harry's POV

I watched as Louis got into Niall's car and they both drove away, picking up my phone I sent a quick text to Matty who was waiting around the corner.

"Nice place" Matty said as he walked into the house and did a slow circle in the sitting room.  I nodded "Yeah it is, you want some food?" I offered, pointing to some Chinese food containers Liam bought on the way home

"So whats up? Why did you have me drive all the way from Holmes Chapel?" Matty said though a mouthful of food.  "Because...Louis and I...are eloping" I finally said. Matty nodded "Yeah also the sky is blue, you're pregnant, and your friend Zayn is like one of the hottest guys ever; anything else, Captain Obvious?"

I shook my head "No I mean...Louis and I are leaving...completely...we're going to run away to America". Matty choked on his food so I elaborated "Which means our sons will be Americans, that's where they'll be born and raised".  "Harry, mate, have you gone completely mad? What will your mom say?" Matty said between coughs. I sighed "That's why you're here, I know that if I tell my mom about everything" I said gesturing to my tummy "It'll end badly so I want you to tell her".     

"Harry, your mother is either going to have a break down or murder me; why would I want either one to happen?" Matty said putting down the food.  I handed him several sheets of folded paper from my pocket "I wrote a letter to her; just give them to her because they explain everything". Matty unfolded and papers and read them "Harry this sounds like a damn suicide note: "I'm sorry for everything mom, I hope you understand; please don't be upset because I'm in love" what the bloody hell mate?" Matty said waving the papers in front of my face. 

"It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission" was all I said "Please Matty just give this to her on Thursday afternoon, our flight leaves Thursday morning  so she won't be able to say no".  Matty sighed "Fine Harry, but I swear to God if you give me one of these letters I'll swim to America, find you, and slap the shite out of you".  I chuckled "You'll always be my friend Matty".


"It's not too late Harry, we can still stay" Louis said as he closed his suitcase and placed it next to my bag.  "I want this" I said as I watched Niall's brother's car pull up to take us to the airport. 

Louis's house was a little more empty since he was taking everything he wanted with us, basically stealing from his parents "They won't miss it, in fact they'll probably sell this house as soon as they learn that I left" he argued.  "Alright boys you ready?" Niall's older brother Greg said as we placed our bags in the boot, trunk, of his car;  Louis intertwined our fingers "Yeah". 

As we sat on the plane my phone started to vibrate as I got a call, it was Mom. "I'm sorry" I said as I turned off my phone and went back to looking out the window.  "Sorry for what?" Louis asked, looking at me as Greg was ordering all of us drinks from the flight attendant. "Nothing" I said as I placed my hand over his "I don't have any regrets, I believe with all my heart that this is our best shot".  Louis smiled "I'm glad Harry". 


"Thank you so much for letting us stay here for a while Greg" Louis said after we landed in Los Angeles and arrived at Greg's new house. 

The place was completely empty; it was a small house; only two bedrooms, one bathroom and only one floor. "Yeah no problem mate, I ordered a bunch of furniture online, the email said they should be here in an hour. I just want to let you know that Niall told me about your special circumstances" Greg said, glancing at my tummy  "You guys can stay here for as long as you want".

Niall nodded "You can stay in the second room, I'll sleep in the sitting room" Niall said as he put down his bag.  "This is only temporary, I promise" Louis said "I may be posh but that doesn't mean I'm a free loader; as soon as I find a job we'll move into our own place". 

"Lads, I really think you should just stay here; have your babies here and after their second birthday then you can start looking for a house and everything" Greg said in a serious voice "One of my friend's girlfriend had a kid and  I watched both of them completely lose their minds because of it; they were in their mid twenties, my age, and they only had one kid.  You guys are having three and neither of you are even twenty yet!" Louis looked at me "We'll talk about it, thank you for your very generous offer Greg". 

Greg and Niall however planned for us to stay cause when the two large trucks came to the house carrying furniture, lots of baby supplies were among them, in sets of three; car seats, cribs, bassinets and baby wash tubs just to name a few. I couldn't help but cry; everyone has been so supportive and helpful that it was completely overwhelming.

"Thank you Greg" was all I could say.

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