CH 23

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I woke up to sunlight streaming into my room even though the curtains were closed; it must have been late in the morning or even early afternoon for it to be so bright. I buried my face into Harry's hair and snuggled closer to him before resting my cheek on the back of his shoulder and staring at my ceiling, not wanting to get up.

I don't know how long I laid there, staring at my ceiling and feeling on top of the world; but I noticed a subtle change in Harry's breathing a moment before he said in a sleepy, groggy voice "This is the first time in my entire life I've ever missed school" he said as he placed his hand on top mine that was on his stomach "I have no regrets".

"Today is Friday, let's just stay here...maybe for the whole weekend?" I asked, placing a kiss on his shoulder. "I have to go home this after "school", if my mom finds out that I wasn't home last night she'll murder me" despite saying that, Harry made absolutely no attempt to get up or even move at all.

"Talking about getting up, I know of this great little place we can go for breakfast, it's the best place in all of London". "Let's just call so they can deliver" Harry said as he brought my hand from his stomach to the bottom of his chin. "They don't deliver" I said, chuckling.


"I've never been to this part of London" Harry said, as we arrived "My parents work around here" I said as we parked. Harry turned to look at me "What if we run into them, won't they care?" I chuckled "They'll care, but just huff and puff for a while and not do anything about it".

"They won't care you're missing school?" he asked, I shook my head "Of course, and they'll huff and puff about it but if my grades get really bad they'll hire tutors again; my parents donate a lot of money to the Academy so there's no way I'll be kicked out" I said as I killed the engine of my car before hurrying so I could open his door. Harry laughed at me as he stepped out of my car at the same time I arrived at his door.

"I feel so...underdressed" Harry commented as a couple walked passed us, they looked like the people my dad worked, both in business suits. "Ignore them Harry; come on, it looks like it's going to rain....typical London". I walked inside the familiar restaurant, it was one of dad's favorites and we used to come here all the time, before he got promoted and was never around anymore.

It was a classy place: with live music, a hand painted ceiling, plush velvet seats and marble tables. When we got seated and handed menus, Harry made a strange sound in his throat as if being strangled "Twenty-two pounds for an omelet!? Louis I can't afford these prices; I would need to work for over two hours to get twenty two pounds!" I looked at him, slightly offended that he thought we were splitting the check or something "Harry...I'm paying for this, get whatever you want".

"And what will we be having for breakfast today?" the cheerful waitress said. "I'll just have some scrambled eggs" Harry said quietly. I looked at Harry before saying to the waitress "We'll have two orders of the butter crepes with salted caramel, all the fixings; and instead of the scrambled eggs friend wants the garden omelet" I finally finished, not looking at Harry.

"It's fine Louis" Harry said as the waitress left, seeming to read my thoughts "I understand if it's too soon to use that word". I looked at Harry "Wait think we're..." Harry shrugged "I would like to think so, but again; I know what you're going through and that you're not comfortable with...that".

I smiled at Harry and who smiled back but after a moment sat up and said "We need to talk about Eleanor though". I sighed, Harry reached for my hand across the table but instead just folded them together on the table in front of him "Relax Louis, it's just a talk; I've been doing some thinking...and I think it'll be a good idea if you two stay together".

I blinked at Harry as he continued "It'll put me through hell and back to see her all over you at school and everything...but I'd rather have to share you, then not have you at all". "Harry, I don't understand" I said.

Harry played with his fork "I know that you're not comfortable with who you are; I know that you know that people whisper about us since we were friends before I came out, and that is one of the reasons we don't hang out at school anymore...if you have a girlfriend, you and I can start hanging out at school again...and no one will think that it's weird since you have a girlfriend so you're obviously straight; I would rather share you than not have you at all".

I looked at Harry as our food came and after the waitress said "On Monday, school will be different Harry...I promise you".

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