CH 20

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"Ok class, as most of you are aware; exams are coming up and some of you are in danger of failing, Mr Tomlinson, however I will not name any names, Mr Tomlinson. In an effort to help; the lowest grade person will be paired up with the highest grade person" the music teacher was saying "Mr Styles you will now be tutoring Mr Tomlinson".

My heart skipped a beat and nearly flew out of my chest upon hearing the news, making sure I kept my face neutral I looked Harry; my heart shattered and the pieces fell back down the earth as I saw his scowl. 

"So...when do you want to meet up?" I asked Harry at the end of class.  "Louis I am not happy about this, let's get one thing clear: you're going to come to my house, study and then leave; there will be no monkey business or any shenanigans" Harry said, packing up his stuff "Come to my house around six, my house will be empty so there will no distractions; you can study and leave quickly".

"So you want to come with us after school? We're going to those empty warehouses by the river front of the Thames" Zayn asked as we walked to the parking lot after classes ended.  "Nah mate, I got something to do" I said, Zayn laughed "Is that "something" perhaps a pretty brunette? Seriously man your whole plan of playing hard to get is making her eat out of your hands; she was totally throwing herself at you today".

I blinked at Zayn, I literally forgot Eleanor even existed today; the promise of some alone time with Harry: our shoulders touching as he explained softly what was on the page of the open textbook as a gentle breeze blew though his open window...our eyes would meet and we would both smile and Harry's smile would grow until he showed me those dimples.  In unison we would both tilt our heads at the same time and inch forward...

"Louis...Louis you still with me?" Zayn said, waving a hand in front of my face and laughing "I see I wasn't too far off with my answer; just make sure you use protection, you don't want any Little Tommo's running around".  "Oh shut up Zayn I don't even think of her like that" I said without thinking.  Zayn laughed "Sure Lou, whatever you say; play innocent I understand, you got an image and all that". 

"Louis, we need to talk" Eleanor said, sitting on my motorbike, waiting for me.  "Can we do it later Elle? I need to be somewhere" I said, anxious to get home so I can get ready for the tutoring date.  "Louis, that's the thing, I feel like you're not committed to this relationship, I mean we haven't even kissed yet" Eleanor whined.  I looked at her, not wanting to deal with this right now, or ever, for that matter "I just don't want to rush anything Elle; I mean we're just getting to know each other".

"But Louis" she said, walking up to me and pressing her chest against mine "Don't you want to come over to my house? My parents won't be home until late tonight".  "I can't, sorry I have to study" I said truthfully.  Eleanor smiled "I do too, let's study together; maybe you can help me with Anatomy and Biology? Her joke flew over my head as I tried to think of any excuse to wiggle away "I'll text you tonight after I'm done studying and we can do something later ok?" "I'll be waiting Louis, all alone" she said with a smile. 

I went home and got ready; I knew this was supposed to be a tutoring session but I couldn't help but be excited, like this was a date.  After I got shower and dried off I stood in my bathroom, trying out different scents and colognes.

I looked over my shoulder and I noticed my clock read 5:15; as I ran out of my bathroom, I tripped over my towel as it slid off my hips. "Please don't let this be a sign" I said as I got off from the floor. I got dressed as quickly as possible and gave one final look at myself in the mirror to make sure I wasn't wearing any underpants on my head or something.

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