Part 3:A shocking arrival

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??? POV

dang it!I tried to get my brother back but that stupid war had to ruin it!Ugh......I want her.Not because of love,no.I want her power.Since shes been helping too many villages,I need her power so I can rule her puny Village.

Garroth POV

I decide to ask Aphmau for a stroll in the woods since shes been helping everyone.I came to her house and I saw Levin calling me dad.

"Daddy!Gar dad!"

Aphmau was curious and She open the door and saw me,Blushing red as usual.

"Hey Garroth!Is something wrong?"

"I was w-w-wondering i-if you want to c-come with me."


Geez!Your making it difficult here!

"T-t-to the woods....with me."

Her eyes were widen and I have a feeling that she will say no.

"Sure!Let's Go!"

Oh man....I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell...

Aphmau POV

I thought this is fun to enjoy and I do like Garroth but I'm too shy to tell.After entering the woods,Garroth cover my eyes.

"What are you doing?!"

"I want to show you something..."

We walked and walked until he stop.

"OK!you can open them!"

I open my eyes and I was shocked.I saw leaves falling in a gentle way.And I saw a picnic for me?!

"Is this for me?!"

"Of course! You deserve it!"

I hugged him tightly.and I was staring at those sweet icy blue eyes and I sat down to see my entire Village.

Garroth POV

After she hugged me,I thought she was gonna kiss me.So we stare at Phoenix Drop and I saw Aphmau,looking gorgeous as ever.

I decide to scoot next to her.This is it Garroth!You can do it!

"What are you doing?"

"Just thought you are cold or something"




"There something I need to tell you,Something I shouldn't said a long time.."

Aphmau POV

OMG!this is it!please say something or I'll do it!

"Go ahead.."



I heard a loud noise!


then I saw a big ship,heading to our Village!

"Oh no...."Garroth and I knew who's coming...

And so we ran to the village...

Taken By O'Khasis(A Garmau Story)Where stories live. Discover now