Part 23:Powers,Tunnels,and War

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Elizabeth's POV

I'd been here for hours while I kept this poor girl company.weird.....why won't Zane torture this child?Well I remembered having 2 was killed and I had my other one adopted.Stephanie is pretty nice......yet.......she look like me......

"Elizabeth?"She coo.


"Do you think your friends will come and get us?"

"Of course.....they are loyal friend and I trust matter what."

"That's nice.....wish I have friends...."

I saw that the cell was starting to get cold.When I touch Stephanie,She was really cold!

"Whoa.....are you cold or something?"

"No,I liked the cold."

"What?!That's crazy......Are you sure your fine?"

"Yea!I'm fine!"


Stephanie POV

Whew!That was close!She almost notice that!yea the cell is cold,but I like the cold for a long time.Its cold in here...........Just like my heart.....

Meanwhile At The Forest..

Ashley POV

"Ashley.We'd been walking for a hour.we better hurry or else the sun will rise"Said Lady Katelyn.

"Yeah,I know. But we had to go to my old Base."


"Elizabeth and I made a secret tunnel that led to the Castle's dungeon.Man,I remembered when I was at the dungeon,Elizabeth had to dig a tunnel to come and rescue me."

"Is that why she's important to you?"

" see,I never had a lot of friends.But Elizabeth is an amazing friend and I know she never let me down.I would do anything to help her back."

"That's nice."Said Lady Katelyn.

Then I found our old base,cover in vines and dirt.I go inside and I checked the chest.

"What are you doing?"Dante asked.

"Elizabeth bought some potions.She said I can use them during an emergency. Well.....this is am emergency."

I grab 3 potions of Strength and a splash potion of healing II.I head to the tunnel,where is was cover of spider weds.

I keeping running at the Tunnel while Dante and Katelyn were behind me.I saw the end of the tunnel......Hoping that Elizabeth is there.....

Back At Phoenix Drop

Aphmau POV

"I am so glad everyone is here for the war against Scaleswind."Garroth and I sat while we are discussing with Azura,Lord Luke,Alpha,and Hayden.

"It's a pleasure helping with you,Lord Aphmau."Said Azura.

"I know since you been helping is at Meteli,I will always be in your side."Said Hayden.

"I may be old,but what you did at the well,would change my life.I would be end up dead if it wasn't you."Aaid Lord Luke.

"Sister Aphmau help Alpha through tough things.You have my back."

Hearing those words from everyone make me feel after everything I done to everyone.Including Garroth,who had his arm at my back.Like a gentleman....

"Well,Look like facing through O'Khasis could be a challenge."Said Garroth.

"Indeed,And I need your help with everything we got."I said.

"But what about the engagement between you and Zane?"Said Azura.

"Wait.what do you mean?"

"Zane wants your hand at marriage from you.I know that he doesn't love but he wants to take over you village."She said.

"I-I-I-I can't believe it......"I was shocked.I knew that cruel man is up to something,and I don't want to lose the people I loved,including Levin and Malachi.I felt Garroth's hand holding my hand.


"Don't worry,Aphmau.If Zane ever lay a finger on you,I swear,to Lady Irene,that I would always be at your side."


"I assume end of this meeting?"Said Lord Luke.

I nodded and we all head to Kiki's Barn,getting ready for war and I hugged Garroth.

"Thanks Garroth......for being here with me....."

"Of course,my love...."

I kiss him and we head out.I loooked at the blue sky thinking to myself....

"Good luck Guys.Be careful at O'Khasis.Who knows what danger lies ahead.just so you know,I will always have your back...."

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