Part 21:Taken and A New Company

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Elizabeth's POV

"Let me go!"I screamed.those O'Khasis guards keeping grabbing me and I don't know what to do.

"Stay in here until further notice."

Great.Being capture again doesn't help me feel better, especially when you hear crying and-

Wait!Someone is crying?and she sounds young?As I become more curious, I saw the next cell and it was.....a little girl?!What's she doing here?

I tried calling her name while the guard is talking to her.

"Shut Up!Keep Quiet there,Missy!!"

"B-B-B-But-"She start to sob a lot.

"NO BUTS!!!"The guard left the room and I called the girl.

" long you been here?"

"Since I was born...."

What?!She's been here for a long time?!

"What's your name?"


"Who is your parents?"


What?!Zane had a daughter?!But I thought High Priest can't have a child?!

"Don't worry,sweetheart. We'll get out of here.."

"Thanks"She sniff."what's your name?"


"Will you be my mommy?"

"Of course!"I smiled and I sat next to her,hoping to make her feel better.

Stephanie POV

She sound so nice.I don't think she look so cruel.....unlike my father....but I don't want to tell her about my.....special gift.That's how I end up in here.....and I don't want to lose anyone now....


Wow!10:30 pm?!I'M GOING CRAZY!!ANWAY.......The contest will continue! if you have any question,ask me and I'll help you!

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