Part 24:Reunited once again

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Elizabeth POV

Well,Stephanie was right.This place is pretty cold!I could feel myself shivering and how I breath air.I cuddle Stephanie,but once again,She's freezing cold when I touch her.Then,I heard cracking noise like a wall is about to break.

Then I realize something...

"Stephanie! wake up!"

"Huh?"She open her eyes."what is it?"

"Someone is coming."

"Oh no!Is it the guards?"


Then The walls break open and I standing face to face.

"My friend."



I huggee my best friend as tears roll in my eyes. Oh,how I waited to have my friend back again.

"Nice reunion party.Now,we had to go."Said Katelyn.

"Wait!"I grab Stephanie's hand and I told her.

"Come with us.You don't need to be here anymore."

She was crying for joy.I hugged her and we ran to the tunnel and block the Exit.

Stephanie POV

I'm finally free.Free from the pain for so long.....I can't wait to go outside and see the world!We all exit out the tunnel and end up in a cave but looks like a house.

"Elizabeth, you have no idea what's been happening at Phoenix Drop!"Said Ashley.

"I know. I can tell from your eyes that something is wrong."Said Elizabeth. I hid behind Elizabeth when a lady with Blue hair and Guy with blue hair too see me.

"Elizabeth, who's this child?"Said the Blue hair boy.

"Guys,This is Stephanie. Zane's Child."She said.

All of them were surprise that Zane even HAD a child.well,I was in that cell in my entire life.

"Hey Kid.Don't worry about Zane.your free now.You could live with anyone.By the way,my name is Ashley."she hold out her hand and gave me.........A BLUE FLOWER? I LOVE FLOWERS!

Ashley POV

Stephanie look really happy when I gave her that Flower.To be honest,I want to give it to her,even if it was my mother's favorite flower,I'm glad she's happy.

Well,Took me long enough to get my ass off to work!I can tell people are refreshing my profile for hours and hours because they are waiting for it.

Taken By O'Khasis(A Garmau Story)Where stories live. Discover now