QNA Once Again!

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Alright Time for Question answer!Just so you know,I copy and paste all your question.......Hardest job.....

From QueenTsunami:What made you like Garmau?

When I heard his conversation at the wedding, it made me wonder "does he like her" and that's how I start to ship them! :)

From smoshygurl: How long did u have wattpad and when did u start making stories?

I join Wattpad on September, I think.And I wanted to create Garmau,but I want everyone to know me,the Author.So that was when I create "The Life Of Depression",my very first book to tell everyone how I was raised.

From Redpandas4ever315: On a scale of 1/100 how much do u hate Zane me its 100000000000000000000000 out of 100

You know what's better than those numbers?

Infinity. BEAT THAT!!!!Sorry.....didn't meant to be rude.

From DitaPutriNabila: Who is it favorite character in mcd?

The Chicken Shaman (A.K.A Castor) and Donna cause she's crazy for hot guys! lolz!

From MollyannPritchard: If you had to kill 10 people in minecraft diaries who would they be?

2:Lord Of Scaleswind
5:The Werewolf King (Fenir's dad)
7:Azura(a little for liking Garroth)
8:Garroth's dad
10:Shadow Knights

From garmaufanforlife: Who do you ship garmau or laramau and if one only happened would you date the lonely one?

#GARMAU FOR LIFE!!!!!AND no and yes if I date the lonely one depend on the person.

From SinmilaSimmer(Cute Name!): How did you find Aphmau?

I know this Youtuber name Slyfoxhound since I was 6.He started making Minecraft Daily Season 2 and it feature Aphmau herself.So I was curious who she is cause she looks fun.So I check her channel (She had 100,000 sub's that day) and I start to like it! now,she has 1 million sub's from Minecraft Diaries!amazing!

From Maia_of_Woods_Beyond: And if Garmau or Larmau didn't exist who would you ship with aphmau?

Then I ship her and Jason since that one was already sailed.

From Maia_of_Woods_Beyond:How long have you watched Minecraft Diaries?

My very first episode was 19 when Lord Burt was kidnapped by Zenix.I was like "Burt?he's my favorite YouTuber!" so I check out and It wasn't a normal Minecraft Let's Play.It was a Roleplay.So I watch from the very beginning and I was like "OH.MY.GLOB.THIS IS AWESOME!!"Now,I write Fanfic of it and I still watch it today!!

From ArynvsGarmau: What is your main ship out side of minecraft diaires?

....................none.I don't watch TV a lot.just Video Games.So......maybe PeachXMario?I love Super Mario games!

That is all the question,folks!Now,I'm heading off with my Side Stories!!!

Mel away!!!!!

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