Part 6:Why Me?!

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Garroth POV

Laurence and I suited up to head out to O'Khasis.I told Dante and Brian to keep an eye on the village since we are going out.As soon I suited up,I heard a metallic clink noise.I realize that I drop the Ring.......The brings me memories...


Garroth POV

As soon I saw Aphmau waved goodbye to Logan and Donna,I walk towards her.

"Hey! Your still here!"She said.

"It was a great wedding..unlike the others you threw"

"Hey!Those villagers have their mind of own!"She laughed.

Then I decide to tell her!I had to!I can't run away or hide my feeling!I'm gonna do it!

"Yeah.....So Aphmau,I was thinking if we-"

Then we both turn around and saw Zane and shocked me.

"At last......I finally

*End Of Flashback*

Garroth POV

even today I feel guilty for what had I done.I faked my death,meet the love of my life,Then Zane came and curse Alexis,and want her for Marriage!Ugh......I just think to myself.....what am I gonna do when we get there to O'Khasis?

Aphmau POV

I been stuck in this dark place for 2 days!I just hope Garroth comes here and save me...but still...Why am I here?why did they take me?Zane always leave a mess and expect me to clean it all up!

As soon I was sitting in a cage that Zane took me,He approach me.

"How's your lovely day in there?"He asked.

"Fine...."I said in a sarcasm way.But he ignore it and moved on.

"Lord you know why I brought you here?"

"No.....not that I care..."

"Remember when My guards were taking care if you back in Brightport?"

"Yes......They held me hostage because of your-"

Then something strike me,Like an idea.I think I know why he wants me,but it wasn't lovely...because nothing is lovely when Zane's here.

"You.....Want me for marriage?"


"Then I'll never marry you!!I don't love you and you don't love me!!!"

"But you had to.....otherwise what will happen to your village when it gets roasted?"


"Try me,after all,I am the high priest for nothing!!"


"Considered done..."

Zane walks away..

"Oh.....and don't try to escape........It won't work..."

Then he left me alone in a cage,a cage where there is no escape.....

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