Part 18:The Battle

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Garroth POV



It was hopeless. Laurence was still under a spell......which means......I need to get rid of Rise.

"Ashley!Get Rid Of Rise!"

"On It!"

Ashley was still attacking Rise and Dante is trying to free Aphmau.As our sword clash and bash,I hit Laurence back!


But he still got up and didn't look scratched or anything!It was weird!

Aphmau POV

"Thanks Dante!"

"No problem!"

Then a bunch of Guards surround us!Luckily, Dante had my sword and gave it to me!

"Ready?"Asked Dante.


Ashley POV

I DON'T UNDERSTAND!! I hit her a million times and she's still alive!Her dress was a little bloody and and still have sword marks to her face!

"You know.....I'm still powerful..."

Then she made fireballs out of her hand and start to shoot them!I dodge as fast as I can until I can strike her back!

Then As I ran to her,I remembered her face....Her fave of crime!

She murder my family...

She burn my village....

She made me lose my defense...

And now....

"DIE RISE!!!!!!!!!!"



I swing my sword and shove her Heart....

She was screaming in pain as more blood spills and fell to the ground.....

I did it....I avenge my family....

Garroth POV

I saw Ashley finally killed Rise....then Laurence's eyes change back to normal.

"Huh?Wha- what happen?"

"Nothing..."I saw Aphmau,looking stunning as ever.



I ran up to her and gave her a big hug.Oh,how I waited for this.....But I saw Laurence and I knew he's still jealous.

"Laurence...I know you didn't like me being with Aphmau so-"

"Be with her."


"Go.She loves you.I know I been rejected but I'm still her friend.I will always be in her side.Beside,I'll find someone who likes me...."

"Thanks....Laurence.Your amazing."

Then I gave Laurence a big shoulder hug.He still acts like me brother..

"Shall we?"


I grab Aphmau's hand and leave Rise...Behind.....

Taken By O'Khasis(A Garmau Story)Where stories live. Discover now