Part 26:The War

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Aphmau POV

It was already dawn.I woke up super early thanks to Zoey's tea.As soon I came downstairs,I looked at my house, bringing me sweet memories of how my life was I wished they were here and how everyone that I loved would be here.As soon I came downstairs,Dante camed to my house.

"Dante!whats going on?"

"Lord Aphmau!it's time....."Said Dante.

I knew the day is finally here.As soon I came outside,Garroth,Laurence,and Ashley were waiting for me.

"Let's Go."Said Ashley.

We all walked until we head to the wall. I climb up the ladder and saw them..

Mother Of Irene......they're here.

Garroth POV

I couldn't believe..........Scaleswind and O'Khasis are here.

"This is the last time I'm saying this but....GIVE ME BACK NICOLE AND ELIZABETH!!!"The Lord Of Scaleswind yelled.

"I swear......if you stop this daddy......"Elizabeth was starting to cry.

"Elizabeth..... You had to come your home-"


"She's hypnotize.probably from Aphmau!"Zane lied to The Lord so he can unleashed more anger from him.


We were all standing at the wall.Lucinda,Ashley,Dante,Laurence,Aphmau,Elizabeth,Azura,Luke,Boldff,Katelyn And everyone....


They all ran to the walls and everyone fought hard to defend the village. Everyone was split up and I was fighting lot of O'Khasis guards and so is Scaleswind.Suddenly, A wizard blow up the wall,causing more guards to get in.We were all trying so hard to defend.Everyone is fighting for their sakes..

Stephanie POV

"Pleas let me go!I can help them"

Emmalyn and Kemmur were grabbing my hand,making sure I couldn't escape.But I want to go and help Elizabeth....she needs my help!

"Stephanie! You can't go! Its too dangerous for you to go!"Said Kemmur.

"I don't care! I had to-"Suddenly, I felt the cold air surround me as Emmalyn and Kemmue let me go. Because of the wind.I had to tell them...

"Stephanie..... Are you...."

"yes..... I have powers......Power Of Ice and Snow...."

Aphmau POV

I fought and fought as more guards keeping coming out of norwhere.I ran to the Plaza and everything was on fire!I was.....scared.The Lord Of Scaleswind was there.I need to stop this!

"LORD OF SCALESWIND!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"I yelled.Then Elizabeth and Nicole came behind me for backup.

"You were holding my daughters as prisoner for months while I was looking for then!!

"Father Stop!That's not true!Who told you this?!"

"Why the high Priest,of course!I always trust him!"

"Dad!He's lying to you so you can attack this Village for him!"


"Dad.....what's gotten into you?!"Said Elizabeth.


Out of nor where,Nicole came up to him and punch him in the face,leaving a black eye.

"Ouch...........that's gonna hurt."I said.

"Well.I think I deserve that.After getting punched,I realize I learn my lesson."He said.

"So.....does that mean....."Said Elizabeth.

"Yes.The war is over and you two can stay if you want to."He said.

Nicole and Elizabeth were so happy that they hugged each other and hugged they father too.

Then Garroth and everyone came.

"What's going on here? all of the sudden,The O'Khais guards quit and retreat."Said Garroth.

"Good news.The war is over!"She said.

I couldn't believe it.We........did it?We defeated O'Khais and that name where everyone wants him dead?!

I was shocked and I hugged Aphmau so tight and spin her around until I put her down.

Then Aphmau and The Lord shake hands as a sign that they accept.

Yep.It was over....

"LORD APHMAU!!!!"meanwhile,Emmalyn and Kemmur were running toward us....carrying Stephanie?!

"Emmalyn!Kemmur!What happen?!"Elizabeth asked.

"Stephanie is knocked out from her magic?!"She said.

"Magic?What do you mean?"Aphmau said.

"she's a Magic User!"Kemmur shout.

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