Part 30:The Past Of Magic and Hearts Burst

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Aphmau POV

Garroth and I decide to tell everyone about the engagement. Everyone get really excited, especially Kiki.She was hugging me so tight as of this was bound to happen. (Get it?She ships them.)

The Wedding will start at two days and I am really excited about it.I decide to check Elizabeth and Stephanie to make sure they are OK. Still, Stephanie is still alseep and Elizabeth saw me arrive.

"Oh!Hey,Lady Aphmau.I heard the news,Congrats!"She squeals like how Kiki act earlier.

"Oh.No Problem. It's not that important."

"Yes it is!I can see it from your eyes!"Said Elizabeth.

"'s Stephanie?"

"Doing Fine.She mostly open her eyes and close them.Then she keeps saying 'Mommy'."


"Yeah.But I told Lucinda and Zoey about this.She said that Stephanie is still fine."

"Great!I hope she wakes up when it's time for the Wedding."


Suddenly,Stephanie woke up from her sleep and her whole body starts to shake.


Elizabeth POV

I hugged Stephanie as hard as I can,With tears slide from my cheeks.

"Thank Irene your OK!"I said.

"Yeah....but..."Stephanie looked down.

"What's wrong?"Asked Aphmau.

"I had nightmares.... I lost my real mother.."She said.

"What?Wait! is your mother a Magic User?"I asked.I want to know how she has powers.I highly doubt that Zane has powers since......he's Zane.

"Yes......but....."She sniffled between her words."My daddy......Kill her....."

"No...."Aphmau feel sad and I felt ashamed.Stephanie starts to cry even more but I hugged her back.

"Stephanie.....I will protect you....I will help you.....I will raise you to become stronger as usual..."

"Really?"She said.

"Of course.Your my daughter,after all.And I love you."


Aphmau POV

Aw!they look adorable together.I think they need some time alone so I left at their house and Ashley was waiting for me.

"Hey,Aphmau!"yelled Ashley.

"What's going on?"

"Take a look around."

I look around Phoenix Drop and everyone seems super busy!Kawaii~Chan is baking sweets,Everyone decorated the Plaza,and The Guards are training hard!I couldn't believe it.

"What's going on?Everyone seems.....busy!"I said.

"Yep.Because of your Wedding.I decide to call it 'The Royal Wedding'"

I start to blush,thinking how Garroth is the Prince Of O'Khasis and I'm the Lord.But he is my guard,so I can't blame that.

"That sounds like it's a huge deal."

"It is!Garroth is sending invitation to Meteli,BrightPort,and Pirkiro Village!Of course it's a big deal!"Said Ashley.

Wow......I can't believed it.The Village I help are coming....

"Thanks for the news,Ashley..."

"No problem.Now,I got to go do my job so later!"She ran off in such a hurry.

I......I....feel like my heart bursting and me blushing.I can't imagine how the Wedding will start...

I bet it will be a happy ending.....


Merry Late Christmas! Hope you guys enjoy your day!and I'm still not sure when and how will the Book End.But anyway,about the Cover.I'll leave the original cover for a little while,Since people didn't know.So I'll ask you if you want the new one,or Keep it.

I know,you peeps keep saying "The Choice is up to me" But I want to know how you guys react.Since the Original one's Pic was copy (I bet someone has the same pic as mine),I want to make it better so new readers will be entertain.

Also,Thanks For putting my book in your reading list.It's means a lot to me.You guys are great!And I'll see you soon!



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