Part 19:Katelyn's help and Brian...

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Garroth POV

As soon we all went home,Katelyn was at Aphmau's Door.

"Good afternoon,Kateyln."

"Ah.Good afternoon, Garroth.Is Aphmau here?"

"No.She's busy with her job.Why?"

"We have bad news."

Then Aphmau saw me and Katelyn.

Aphmau POV

I saw Lady Katelyn talking to Garroth and I have a bad feeling about this..

"Ah.Lord Aphmau.mind if we talk?I have.....information."


Katelyn and I were sittings down while Garroth was behind me.

"Aphmau.....I have a bad feeling about this..."Garroth whisper.

"It OK.Right now,we need to keep in eye on her."I whisper.

"Lord you know about Jeffery?"

"Yes.....what happen?"

"It appear that Zane figure out that he was a traitor and Killed him. What's that he had a daughter and Zane and the Lord of Scaleswind know that Nicole is here."

"What?What about Nicole?"

"She's The Daughter Of Scaleswind."

Garroth POV

WHAT?this can't be......Nicole is the lost Princess?I had to marry her?No wonder why she hates me.....because of my father!

"What about you?"

"I will help you by your side.However,The Lord Of Scaleswind is here."


I bolted out the door,heading to the Gates and Aphmau was running too.

"Garroth!Wait up!"

I them stop running because of what I saw....

Aphmau POV

I accidentally Bump into Garroth and he shushed me.

"Get in the Bush.Now!"

We were hiding in the bush and I saw Brian.....talking to The Lord Of Scaleswind?

"FOR THE LAST TIME!!WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!?!"The Lord was screaming.

"I'm telling you.....She's is here.But I want to make a deal?"

"And What is that?"A familiar voice was there.....and It was Zane??!!!

"If I give you Nicole,I'll join you.....Zane..."Said Brian.

"Hmph.I see......So,If Nicole is reunited by her Father,and I get a new warrior....yeah....You have a deal."

Them Brian and Zane shook hands.

"Bring my daughter tomorrow...and try not to get caught..."Said the Lord.

"I will.......Grandpa...."

Taken By O'Khasis(A Garmau Story)Where stories live. Discover now