Part 2:A Lovely Walk

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Aphmau POV

Kawaii~Chan told me to go help her with her maids since she made them alive.They are sooo cute and I decide to help her.After I left Kawaii~Chan's house,Garroth was there.

"Hello Lord Aphmau.I see that you are busy."

"I sure am!"
Then he saw the dolls and got concern.

"What are those?"

"Oh!These are Kawaii~Chan's maids!I decide to help her since she passed out and needed sleep"

"That's seems Nice.Mind if I help you?"

"Of course Garroth!I can always count on you!

Garroth POV

Hearing those words came out of her mouth made me blush a lot.But I can't help it when the person you love compliment you.So we Walked to help her and Laurence came to check.

"Hey Garroth!Oh!I didn't see you there,Aphmau!"
Of course he would flirt in front of me.

"Hey Laurence.......what do you want?"

"Nothing!Came to check on you lovebirds!"

GACK!Did he just said lovebirds in front of me and Aphmau?!God,He's annoying!


Aphmau was confuse.I can't let her know!

"He meant those lovebirds over there!"

I pointed at Brian and Cadenza and Brian reacted fast.


He was blushing and walking away.
Phew!Thank Lady Irene!

Aphmau POV

After dropping off the maids at Kawaii~Chan's house,Garroth was waiting for me.
"Mind if I escort you home?"He asked.

I said sure and we walked all the way back to my house.But I was confuse why Garroth ask when he knows I walk all the time

Garroth POV

after dropping Aphmau at her home,Laurence was looking at me.

"I told you to man up!"

"Shut up.You embarrassed me in front of Aphmau and I had to think of something!"

"Hey man.Chill.I tried to help!"

As he walked away,I think to myself....

Maybe he tried..

Phew! took a long time!But I want to ask you guys about Mod Mod World.

Did anyone cried at the season finale when Tommy and Modzilla hugged?I cried a lot and I was soo sad about Tommy!

Well....He has Aphmau In his side and I was happy for Modzilla to be home with people he loved....

Taken By O'Khasis(A Garmau Story)Where stories live. Discover now