Finale: Zane Vs Aphmau and Garroth:True Love

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Garroth POV

I.......I..........I......I don't understand. How did Zane pass all of the guards?We told all the Guards to Make sure Zane doesn't come.And Yet,He's still here.Everyone was shocked as well.Zane was standing in the middle with nothing but silence.

"W-W-W-What are you doing here?"Aphmau stutter.

"Well,I thought it would be nice if I gave you a little present."He chuckled.

" dare you try to step foot here?"I growled.

"You see,I wasn't the only one with powers.I tried taking your girl so she can marry me.But that failed and I tried making a deal for Rise to her to manipulate Laurence."

"R-R-Rise?"Ashley remember the day Laurence was control and taken Aphmau to Rise.

"Ah!I forgot that you and Rise had a history together,Right Ashley?"

"Shut up and Get out."

"Hehe....try me."

I took out my sword before anyone gets hurt.

"Hmph.As always,Big Brother.Tried to be a hero and yet,Your too late."

"Too late?Too late for what?!"

"THIS!!!"Zane reach something out of his pocket and.....No!No!It can't be!!!

The Amluet that we hide.

Aphmau POV

"What?!How did you?!"

"Let's just say,A Traitor helped me." It was Brian.He told Zane about the Amluet.But how?!

"Zane.....Don't you dare!"

"WELL!!!TOO LATE!!"Zane was about to do something and the Amulet was glowing. I grab my sword and I dashed to him!

"APHMAU!!"Garroth,Laurence,Ashley and Katelyn tried to grab my arm to stop me.But I ignore them and the next thing I saw was white..........

Ugh.........What happen to me?I slowly woke my eyes up and I turn around and saw my friends and a weird building.It was a huge building and it looked like a was white and Purple all over.


"Where are we?"Garroth asked.

"I don't know about this."Laurence growl.

"I feel like I know this place."Said Katelyn.I look around and saw nothing but pale White and a random building in the middle of norwhere.

"Where's Zane?!"I asked.

"Probably inside this place."

"No.......oh man......"Ashley was acting a little scared.

"Ashley.Whats wrong?"

"We need to get out of here now!Don't you guy realized where we are?!"She yelled.





"Then let's Find Zane quick and get out of here!"Garroth said.

We all heading inside and saw Zane,holding something.

"'s all mine! Irene's relic!With this,I will become stronger!"Before he interact, The Relic teleport and appear in front of me,Then it went inside me.

"Huh?What the?"It went in me.

Garroth POV did it go go Aphmau....wait...does that mean...

"What!This is impossible! You can't be!NO!NO!I WORKED ALL YEARS TRYING TO FIND THAT RELIC!!!"Suddenly, Zane turn into some kind of demon-like.

"NOW I HAD TO KILL YOU ALL!!!"He grab his sword and start attacking.Ashley and Laurence worked together and tried to hold him back.But he was too strong and move Ashley and Laurence aside.


"Not on my watch,You Demon!"Katelyn grab her Claws and start to hurt Zane.but his scars instantly heal itself.

"What?!How could-" before Katelyn reacted,Zane push her away.

"YOU!!!"I grab my sword and tried to protect Aphmau,But he attack me and Pull me from the distance.I got damage.


"Garroth!you OK?"Laurence asked.

"Yeah..."Then I realized "APHMAU!!!"

Aphmau look scared.She has nothing to protect from Zane.


I raced as fast as I can to stop him,but...something happen.Someone stop him and it wasn't me.He got shot by a light Bow,cause his sword to fall off his hands.

"HUH?!HOW DARE YOU!!!" I looked up and I saw a cloaked Woman with Purple tip hair and her face was unseen.

"What Kind of Priest attacks and Kill innocent? You should be ashamed of yourself."She said.

"WHY YOU!!!" Zane got his sword and went after the woman.I grab Aphmau's hand and Picked her up.

"Thanks"She said.

Suddenly, A Portal appear out of norwhere,along with a Woman with Yellowish Hair.

"Quick!We need to leave now!"She said.Everyone headed to the Portal,But that Woman is still here.

"Garroth!Aphmau!You need to leave now!!"

"Wait!What about you?!"Aphmau yelled.

"Don't worry!I'll be fine!And Garroth!"

"Yes?" I asked.

"Take care of my daughter..."

I didn't understand but I heading to the Portal and we finally made it back.The Portal stop working and Everyone was OK.

"Phew....We made it."

Then,The Woman with Elf Ears and Some kind of Warrior Clothes hugged me and Aphmau.

"Oh my Irene..... Your Both OK."

"Um.....pardon us,But who are you?"Aphmau asked.

She giggle. "Don't you know?it's me,Zoey!"


"Zoey?!You change fast?!"

"Well,what did you expect?I don't stay the same from 15 Years."

"Wait!IT'S BEEN 15 YEARS?!"Ashley Yelled.


What.....15 years has passed?!How?!Then we looked around,finding Phoenix Drop and then we realized...

Phoenix Drop has been destroyed...

The End

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