Part 22:Elizabeth's Story and Plans

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Aphmau POV

"Ashley, calm down. We will get her back!"

As everyone sit down at Kiki's Barn,we discuss about what happen yesterday,I knew war was gonna happen,and I never liked it all.

"You don't understand! They Took Elizabeth at O'Khasis and now,The Lord Of Scalewinds is blaming we have her when WE DONT!"

I tried calming her down."Its OK, Ashley.we will bring her back."


"And what's that supposed to mean?"Laurence asked.

"*Sign*Fine.....I'll tell you.....that Elizabeth isn't a normal person..."

"So she's a magic user or something?"Garroth question.

"No...........She's the Lost Princess......the First One."

Garroth POV

Wait......The First Lost Princess?I heard rumor that the princess of Scalewind ran away from a loss....

"What do you mean "Lost Princess"?that happen long ago."I asked.

"Long ago,Elizabeth,The Princess,gave birth to a baby boy.After the birth,the High Priest was suppose to go to Scalewind to check on the baby for a ritual reason.After that day,Zane and The Baby was missing.People claim that Zane killed the baby,causing war to start.When Elizabeth heard the news,she ran away from Scaleswind and went to O'Khasis and pretend to be a villager so she can keep an eye at Zane.When I was guard,I pretend to be a guy so I can join.I saw Elizabeth and she told me the whole story and I wanted to help out.After a few days,Nicole,Elizabeth's sister, ran away for a marriage treaty.Then,We got kicked out because of me know the rest."

After hearing the whole thing,I felt bad for Ashley and Elizabeth. I didn't know that Elizabeth was the first Princess then Nicole.I guess......I feel like I ruin their lives...

"Its OK,Ashley.....we forgive you."I said.

Ashley wiped her tears during the whole thing."Thanks everyone...."

"Now,we have 4 days to bring Elizabeth or else we are doom."

"Let me help..."

We all turn around and Nicole was standing at the door.

"Look,My dad can be a hotheaded guy.But he'll do anything to get me and Elizabeth back."

"And what's that suppose to mean?"I asked.

"I have a plan.half of us stay here in Phoenix Drop,Getting prepare. while the other half head to O'Khasis and bring Elizabeth back."Said Nicole.

"That's Great! but,who will stay?"

"Aphmau,Garroth,and Laurence. you guys stay here,Find the villagers to a safe place,Bring the Phoenix Alliance, and Get prepare.Dante,Nicole,Katelyn, and I will head to O'Khasis and bring Elizabeth back!"

"OK....."Aphmau tried to stay calm.

"Alright!Then Its Settle!Ashley's group with head out tonight!Let's go!"Shout Nicole.

Ashley,Dante,Katelyn, and Nicole left and get prepare while Aphmau,Laurence, and I discussed our plan.

Aphmau tried hard not to cry now,And I comfort her.

"Don't worry,Lord Aphmau.Everything will be OK..."

"Thanks,Garroth...."She hugged me.


As soon I left Kiki's Barn,Kawaii~Chan was waiting for me.


"Dante~chan.Kawaii~Chan want you help everyone no matter what.Kawaii~Chan won't see you more.."

"Why do you care about me?..."


She leaned in and kiss me in the mouth and she left.

"Goodbye Dante~Chan..."

"Goodbye Kawaii~Chan..."

I blush and went to get ready for tomorrow...

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