Part 25:Headed Home Before War

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Nicole's POV

It was getting late and we need to head to Phoenix Drop before The war!We gather everything we had and heading home.Stephanie was holding on Elizabeth for too long.Wonder why.

"Hey Sis......"I said.

"Yeah Nicole?"Asked Elizabeth.

"Are you gonna raise that girl?"

"Yeah......I will."

"But what about Brian?"

She stood slient and gave me a clod stare and response.

"Brian is not my child anymore.Not after what he done to me, I'll never forgive him."

I was Shocked. Elizabeth would never act like that.Then again,he tried to kidnapped me and her mother so we can go back to Scaleswind.I followed the trails and we finally made back.Aphmau and Garroth were standing at the gates, waiting for us.

Aphmau POV

I can't believe it!!They're back!Oh,I'm so happy that everyone turn fine.I hugged Elizabeth and everyone as Tears come from my face.

"I'm so glad your OK....."

"I'm glad your OK too.Look at you,Aphmau.As amazing and beautiful you are yourself."Said Elizabeth.

"Thanks.I'm glad your back."I said.I then saw a little girl who went behind Elizabeth's back.

"Hello there.I'm Aphmau.Lord Of Phoenix Drop.and you are?"

"S-S-S-S-Stephanie."She stutter.I gave her a gentle pat and I smile,knowing that she's gonna love being here.

"Now that we are all here......what about the War?"Said Dante.

"That's Right.The Lord Of Scaleswind is suppose to be here today..."Said Garroth.

"Well.....we better get ready for today....."Said Nicole.

Everyone gather up from Kiki's Barn as all the guards from Meleti,Brightport,The Wolf village,and Pikiro Village were prepared.This is it.War was about to start.

It was getting late and everyone went to sleep.As I was walking all the way home,Garroth came.

"Lord Aphmau,are you alright?"

"No Garroth.I'm scared.I never wanted war from the beginning. What if something horrible happens?What is someone got injured?Or worse-"I was interrupted by Garroth's lips.

Garroth calm her down with a smothering Kiss under the moon and stars.

"Don't worry........Lady Irene has faith on you......."He said.

"Your right Garroth.Thanks.....I love you...."I blushed.

"Heh......I do too...."He waved goodbye as he went to the guard tower while I walked home.I went to bed,thinking to myself...

Maybe....if this is over.....I want to have a perfect life and Garroth.....

Taken By O'Khasis(A Garmau Story)Where stories live. Discover now