10,000 Read Special Contest Special Of Specialist!

1.1K 21 9

10,000 Reads?10,000 Reads?!!!Tell me that's not a huge number!!

Anyway.....thank you all soo much for giving me 10,000 reads!That's amazing and.....I have a special gift for you!!,

It needs 2 or more parts
You had to fill out the story below!
Put the Tag "MelanieTheWriter65"
• You have 3 weeks to make it awesome!!
• Good luck and have fun!


Aphmau POV

It was a normal day at Phoenix Drop.Dale and Molly are smileing since Alexis is awake.Donna's mom is here so I had to avoid her.Kiki's had been super busy since she had a Baby and animals to take care of.

I decide to have a stroll by myself at the woods.So as soon I left my home,Garroth was there.

"Good morning, Lord Aphmau.how did you rest?"He said.

"I been better."

"Where are you going?"

"Um....to go and check Nicole!Right!"I had to lie since I want a time alone,not with anyone.

"Alright then.....be careful.."

And I run off as fast as I can,hoping he didn't see me.Then,I left at the castle walls and walked around a little bit.I smell the flowers while I danced around,hearing the leaves blow in the echo winds.

But as soon I finish,Someone tackled me.

"AH!Who are you?!"

I turn around and I saw...........Zane?!

"Why hello there Aphmau..."

"Let me go!"

That was it!Make sure to finish this One shot!It could be Garmau or Larmau or anymau!

Once again....thank you all sooo much!


Taken By O'Khasis(A Garmau Story)Where stories live. Discover now