Part 9:The Rescued

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Garroth POV

As me,Laurence,Ashley,and Elizabeth walked,we arrive at O'Khasis as there were guards everywhere.

"Great.....they guarded up the walls!!"Whisper yelled Ashley.

"There has to be a way too distract them without one of us caught."Said Elizabeth.

"I think I have an idea...."Laurence Smirked.

I think this will all go a boom....

Aphmau POV

THIS IS HOPELESS!!I Tried fighting the guards, But they are strong witn their armor and swords.I tried jumping off the castle gates and that didn't work either!

As I sat on the bedroom in the room I was locked up,Zane came.

"Why,hello there Aphmau....."He gave me an evil smirk.

"Go...away.....I hate you....."

"Oh,come on,That's not nice to say that to your fiancée."He then grab my face to see him.

"You know,I just want to make sure you village stop getting power......."He then grab a little dagger.
"But you made me do this......"

Shoot!he's gonna kill me!I don't want to die......not like this....


What was that?!I heard something!!

"WHAT THE?!"Zane yelled.

Just then, a guard came.



As soon Zane and The Guard left the room,I bolted and ran.

I knew Garroth is here.......I knew he would save me......but where is he?


OW!I felt like someone bumped me and I look up and saw......

Garroth POV

"APHMAU?!?!"I yelled.

"Garroth!!!"She was glad to see so she jump for my arms and I was so happy that she's ok.....

"Ahem!Sorry to interupt,but we gots to go!!"Said Ashley.

As we all ran to the Castle gates,We saw Zane blocking it.


"Brother......glad to see you here.Wish father was here,but alas,he went to some village to join our village,But you had to come!"He said.
Then,he saw the girls.

"Ah,Ashley! I'm surprise your still alive!"

"Forget it!you kicked me off the team because I'm a girl?!?!"Ashley yelled.

"Well then,take this!!"Zane threw a potion at us but miss!

"HA!"Aphmau taunt him.

"Hmph.Trust me,I will get you back....."Then we escape O'Khasis and went into the forest.

Aphmau POV (Evening at the campfire)

"So,you two girls used to live at O'Khasis but got kicked out?"I asked.

They both nodded yes.To be honest,I love Elizabeth's hair!I mean the part when her hair is purple/Pink is Sassy!

"Well,you two can live at my village, Phoneix Drop!"

"Really? Oh,thank you so much Lord....."said Elizabeth.

"Aphmau"I smiled.

"And Ashley,you can be a guard at our village!"Asked Laurence.

"Really?But I'm a girl!"Yelled Ashley.

"Its OK!We accept girls who are guards like our friend,Nicole!"Its amazing how Garroth is helpful to everyone....

"Sweet!!"She fist pump in the air.

"Well,we should sleep now.It's late and we should head out to Phoneix Drop tomorrow."

We all argee and now,we hide to the forest so the O'Khasis's guards won't catch us.

I'm still doing the QNA question so I'm typing all the question down and also thanks for reading!
Don't worry,Its not over!
There are still more!

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