Part 11:A weird feeling

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Garroth POV

I don't did Aphmau passed out?She was fine for a while and then,act weird all of a sudden.*Sigh*After staying at Aphmau's room,keeping her company,Lucinda came.

"How is she?"I asked.

"I'm afraid I have bad news....."

Oh great! more news that are.....well,BAD!!

"It seems like she's under a spell."

"A spell?What kind?"

"A spell that she's missing one memory it her mind.She could forget Levin,she could forget herself,or maybe her whole life!!"

I was scared.I just hoped that Aphmau will be OK and remembers everyone...
Then,I heard a groan.

"Ow......what happen to me?....."

"LORD APHMAU?!"Lucinda asked
"OMG!LUCINDA!!YOUR HERE!!!What happen to me?"She said.

"Don't worry,you just got sleepy or something!"

"Thanks Lucinda!!"said Aphmau.

Then,she saw me and I was waiting for those exact words....

"Lucinda, Who is that guy over there?"


"That's Garroth,Do you know him?"

"No.......not even a little.....I'm sorry...."

I was heartbroken. How did this spell happen...... WAIT A MINUTE!!!


As we all ran to the Castle gates,We saw Zane blocking it.


"Brother......glad to see you here.Wish father was here,but alas,he went to some village to join our village,But you had to come!"He said.
Then,he saw the girls.

"Ah,Ashley! I'm surprise your still alive!"

"Forget it!you kicked me off the team because I'm a girl?!?!"Ashley yelled.

"Well then,take this!!"Zane threw a potion at us but miss!

"HA!"Aphmau taunt him.

"Hmph.Trust me,I will get you back....."Then we escape O'Khasis and went into the forest.

*End Of Flashback*


I pound my fist at the wall of anger.

"Garroth,Calm down....She'll remember you."

"But Lucinda,It was Zane who did this her..."

"I got a idea!Try to get along with her!Try to make her remember you!"

"And if that doesn't work?"

"I'll make a potion to cure her back!"

Lucinda walked outside and went home.
Hm,Try to make her remember me......Wait,I GOT IT!!

Aphmau POV

I remember after I passed out yesterday somehow, But now,I'm back home with my kids,Zoey,Laurence and everyone!But.......That guy at my room,who is he?I know his name is Garroth,but Lucinda told me O know him....

But,he does look cute and the fact that his eyes looks adoring Abe it makes me want to kiss him or something!

As soon I was walking back home,He came.

"Hey Aphmau!"


He nodded yes.

"Um,listen.are you busy?"


"Follow me....."

Then he took me to the woods.....

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