Part 8:New members

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Garroth POV

As soon I turn around,I saw a girl,holding her sharp emerald sword at my neck.She look young,compare to the fact that she has blue ponytail hair with green eyes,eyes of anger.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!"She asked.

"Look,I came here to get wood.I'm not here to cause trouble."

"Hmph.You should never ever came near-"

"Let go of my friend."

Then I saw Laurence behind the girl with the sword,touching her back stomach.

"Any last words,Girl?"Laurence asked.

"Look,You can't kill me...."she said.

"Why?"I asked.



Someone screamed at the distance and there was a woman who saw us.

"Oh no.....Ashley..."

"Elizabeth,GET OUT!!I'll handle this!!!"

"Ashley,Stop!I know these people!"

Wait!She know us?!How?!When?!

"Oh really......then state their name!"Ashley yelled.

"They are Garrtoh and Laurence.Kawaii~Chan mention these guys!"

"So,you know Kawaii~Chan?"

I nodded yes.Then,She let go of the sword near my neck.

"I'll tell you the camp.."

At the campfire(evening)

We all stood slient until I broke the slience.

"State your name.."I already know their but I want to know again and who are these girls?

"My name is Ashley.I'm a guard at O'Khasis...well....used to.....they told me that just because I'm a girl,doesn't mean that I can fight!"She pound her fist on the floor.

"We got kicked out of O'Khasis because Ashley killed one of the O'Khasis guard from rage.My name is Elizabeth,I'm her friend." one had ever man up and killed the most powerful village's guards.I can tell.....that she still had the training uniform.only that she changed the logo to an Lighting rod.

"So,you had been living in the woods?"Laurence Asked.

" we decide to build a secret base and live.We had been hunting and surving the best we can...."Said Elizabeth.

"So how do you two know Kawaii~Chan?"I asked.

"Kawaii~Chan's maid cafe was my faveorite place to hang out and talk to her!Plus,she made amazing sweets!"Said Elizabeth.

"Yeah....but I always go there with Elizabeth for company."Said Ashley.

"Can you fight Ashley?"I asked.

"Yes,why you asked?"

"Me and Garroth are on a quest to get to O'Khasis and get my love back!"
I punch Laurence on the shoulder like he's an idiot.

"Oh sorry.I meant get our Lord back from O'Khasis!"

"Wait!your Lord was taken by Zane?"

"You know Zane?"I asked.

"Of course.Everyone loves Zane because he's cool,respectful,and-"

"And a stupid guy who wants to rule people's village by marrying them!"Ashley yelled.

"Garroth!you know that means?!Zane is gonna marry Aphmau to rule Phoniex Drop!"Laurence said.

I was mad.He's gonna marry the love of my life?!?!UGH!!!!I wish I wanna kill that guy!!

"Zane......I swear.....I'm gonna kill him!!!"

"Same.I wanna kill him for kicking me off in my hometown!!"Yelled Ashley.

"Then, would you two help us bring our Lord back?"Laurence asked.

"Of course,But Elizabeth can't fight.She can help,but not in combat."

"Its true..... I wish I can help..."then Elizabeth shread a single tear.

"Don't cry.You will always be strong!"Said Ashley.


"Then,It's settled.We'll head out in the morning so let's all get some rest."I asked.

Everyone agree and we all went to sleep.

Congrats Fangirl436 and cHerrybOmbs16!I decide to draw your OC characters and I thought this was perfect!

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