Twenty Four - It Was True.

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My eyes opened and I found myself on a bed with white walls in front of me. I look around the room and there was three chairs with blankets and pillows. There was also a table with balloons that were deflated, dead flowers and heaps of cards. I think I was in a hospital.

A nurse walked in and noticed I was awake.

"Hi." I say to her. She drops her clipboard and runs out. I hear yelling and then a doctor walks in.

"Miss Lux. How are you feeling?"

"I feel brilliant." I say happily.

"That's good." He checks for any injuries and stuff, just to make sure I was okay.

"Am I okay?" I ask. He nods.

"This is very unusual behaviour Miss Lux. You've been in a coma for 4 months. That's a very long time. You seem to have made a full recovery."

"I was in a coma? How did that happen?" I ask confused.

"Alex, make a note about memory loss please." He tells a nurse. She nods and writes something down. "Miss Lux, 4 months ago, you gave birth to a boy and a girl. You lost consciousness and then you ended up in a coma. We've been doing everything we can for 4 months to help you and now it looks like you've made a full recovery." I nod and then everything hits me at once. I remember my babies, Cameron, Hayes, everyone.

"Is my boyfriend here at the moment?"

"Yes he basically lives here. Would you like me to get him for you?" I nod and a few minutes later Cameron comes in with a pink and blue bundle.

"Hey baby, I've missed you." He says and kisses me with the kids. He hands me the babies and I hold them in my arms. They're so adorable.

"Cameron..." I begin to say.

"Yes baby?" He asks looking at me holding the kids.

"Who's kids are they?"

"Hayes's." He says sadly. I nod and Holly opens her eyes revealing a pale blue colour. So cute.

"Cameron I have to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes I do love you, why would you think I didn't?"

"Did you feel sorry for me when Hayes left me by myself?" He doesn't answer me he just looks shocked. "Answer me Cameron." I say. I can feel the tears.

"I did feel sorry for you." He says.

My friend, My Bully, My lover. | Hayes Grier |Where stories live. Discover now