First Encounter

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You had been friends with Elizabeth Middleford for as long as you could remember. She was like a sister to you and you felt like you could tell her everything; which you did. 

Today was a special day. Today Elizabeth was going to introduce you to her fiancé. You were very excited about meeting him; but you were going to stay calm and formal no matter the circumstances, of course. That's what every lady should do. 

You were starting to wonder what the young Earl would look like, what his voice sounded like, what his personality was like... You were stopped in your track of thoughts when the carriage came to a stop. As you looked outside the window you noticed you had arrived at the Phantomhive estate. It was bigger than you expected, and it looked absolutely beautiful. The door suddenly opened and Elizabeth jumped out; screaming the young Earl's name. You stood up and stepped out of the carriage, only to be greeted by a pair of crimson eyes. You smiled at the handsome butler standing before you and he smirked. 

- Good afternoon, my Lady. 

- Good afternoon, Sir. What might your name be? 

- Sebastian Michaelis. May I ask yours?

- (first name) (last name). 

- A pleasure to meet you, Lady (last name).

You smiled and looked around you. The estate looked absolutely spotless and you couldn't help but compare it to your manor. 'I wish Father's manor looked like this' You thought as a voice suddenly interrupted your contemplation of the world around you. 

- Good afternoon, Lady (last name). My name is Ciel. I am the current head of the Phantomhive family. 

You made eye contact with him and you smile grew wider. He was a very handsome young man... but something about him was off; you felt it straight away. However, you stayed very polite, as always. 

- Good afternoon Lord Phantomhive. What a lovely home you have. Congratulations to whoever is responsible for the beauty of the gardens. 

Sebastian smiled and nodded, accepting the compliment. 'If his butler is in charge of the gardens, how come he is so well dressed? How come he came to greet us?' So many questions ran through your mind as the four of you started to make your way back to the manor. As you expected, the inside was as beautiful as the outside; although it was very dark. 

- This place is as dull as always Ciel! You should add some colors to this place!

You looked at Elizabeth in disbelief. How rude to judge a house you have been invited to like that. You looked over to Ciel, expecting a reaction of some sort, but he just shrugged and started making his way up the wooden stairs. Your blond friend started jumping up the steps and you internally face palmed, ashamed by her behavior. You knew she was like that, however you couldn't help but be shocked every time she did something wrong. You had received quite a strict education growing up, and every single mistake seemed like a disaster to you. You followed the couple up the stairs and arrived in a beautifully decorated living room. Ciel sat in a chair, while you and Elizabeth shared a small, red velvet couch. You were staring straight at the young Earl, and he was staring back. Elizabeth was merely background noise. The two of you left the room for a few seconds, completely lost in each other's eyes, trying to decode on another, to read right through each other. Elizabeth shook your arm to get your attention and you turned your head to face her, still feeling Ciel's burning gaze on you.

- Do you play chess, Lady (last name)?

- I have knowledge of the rules but I have only had the opportunity to play once.

- Perhaps we could play together?

- Why of course, my Lord.

Elizabeth clapped her hands together and started to giggle uncontrollably.

- How exciting! I am sure you are going to do great (first name)!

- I will try my best.

Sebastian set the chess board up and installed the pieces. Ciel took a seat and you sat opposite him. You started playing, trying to remember what you tutor had told you about this game. You had a focused expression but kept a bright smile on your (s/c) face. Elizabeth was cheering on you and Sebastian was standing behind his young master. The game lasted for a few hours, for you were better at chess than Ciel had expected. However, you still lost. You looked up at the Earl and smiled once again. 

- Thank you for playing with me, my Lord. I had a lot of fun.

- You are a better player than I thought Lady (last name). I was delightfully surprised. Perhaps we could play again some time? 

- I would love to. 

You took a quick glance at the clock and realized how late it was. 

- My, would you look at the time! I apologize Lord Phantomhive, but Lady Elizabeth and I have to leave. 

- Already? Can't we stay a bit longer?

- It would be inappropriate to bother your fiancé for longer. Furthermore, both our families will be awaiting our return, Elizabeth.

- I guess you are right...

You stood up and Elizabeth linked arms with you. You walked over to Ciel and bowed slightly.

- A pleasure to meet you, Lord Phantomhive. 

- The pleasure is all mine, Lady (last name). Perhaps you two would like to come back tomorrow afternoon? If the weather allows it we could have tea in the gardens. What do you think?

You looked over to Elizabeth who was jumping up and down slightly and smiling like a fool. You thought about it for a second. 'It would be rude to refuse. Plus, Elizabeth would be disappointed if I said no.'

- We would love to. 

Elizabeth giggled and Ciel smiled. You and you friend were about to leave when the young Earl gently tapped your shoulder, making you turn around.

- Yes my Lord?

- Could you do me a favor Lady (last name)?

- Of course. What can I do for you?

- Please call me Ciel. 

You stared at him for a while before smiling again.

- Of course. Call me (first name).

- If you wish, Lady (first name).

Your smile grew wider. You suddenly spotted Sebastian close to the chess board and made eye contact with him.

- Same goes for you Sebastian.

- Why of course, my Lady.

You nodded and excited the room, guided back to your carriage by an overly excited Elizabeth. 'This is going to be more fun than I had expected.' You thought to yourself, glancing at the Phantomhive estate one last time before leaving.

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